Country singer Justin Carter dies after a gun accidentally fires.


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Apparently the gun was in his pocket, and it went off accidentally and hit him in the corner of his eye. Trying to visualize how this could happen. Was the gun in the pocket with muzzle oriented UP towards his face? Did he then reach into his pocket and in that manner hit the trigger? Without hitting his hand or arm first? did a set of keys somehow hit that trigger? Seems a little strange. Wish there were more details, but can't find them on the net yet.
Apparently the gun was in his pocket, and it went off accidentally and hit him in the corner of his eye. Trying to visualize how this could happen. Was the gun in the pocket with muzzle oriented UP towards his face? Did he then reach into his pocket and in that manner hit the trigger? Without hitting his hand or arm first? did a set of keys somehow hit that trigger? Seems a little strange. Wish there were more details, but can't find them on the net yet.
It is odd the way it's being described in the news. We may never know what really happened.
Sounds like someone filming sort of a homemade or low budget video. I suspect there was no one individual in charge of gun safety as you might see on a more professional set.
There are WAY too many holes in this story.
1. He was supposedly shooting a video in his apartment. Who shoots a music video inside an apartment - especially one needing a prop gun?
2. Mom is the only one giving information. Not always an unbiased source.
3. Gun was supposedly in his pocket. How in the world does a gun in a pocket shoot the person wearing it in the eye?
Prop guns don't have bullets in them. Lots of stuff claimed here that don't make sense unless someone is trying to cover something up.
Yes, the "prop gun" detail is the first thing that made me thing something isn't right here... I always thought prop guns use blanks, or they don't fire at all. If the weapon is capable of firing a bullet able to kill somebody, it's not a prop gun, it's a GUN! As for making a music video in his home, with today's portable studios where the entire sound, video and mixing equipment fits in a couple portable trunks, THAT part could be true. However... the whole thing does sound a bit fishy, like they are covering up something as others have said. I posted it because I was just curious if anybody here could explain a scenario where a gun in somebody's pocket could accidentally go off and hit that person "near the eye". As LineStretcher said, we may never know the details.
There is a MAJOR difference between using a 'prop' gun and using a gun as a prop...

In any case, this one has been making rounds on all major firearms boards today. Sketchy as all heck, from what we know about the circumstances so far.
Well, Brandon Lee got killed by a badly done Prop Gun...
they didn't do the barrel right, and the blank fired the hunk of metal into him...
killed a great actor dead as a stump.

Non-gun folks messing around with guns is usually a recipe for disaster.
The information was from his mother but it doesn't ring true to me. A gun in his pocket hit him the corner of the eye and killed him and it was in his apartment?
We'll just have to "wait for the translation". This may be unlike, a few months ago, the two cops who were playing Russian Roulette and the female cop lost, the initial reports were WAYYYYY off base.
Well, Brandon Lee got killed by a badly done Prop Gun...
they didn't do the barrel right, and the blank fired the hunk of metal into him...
killed a great actor dead as a stump
That's not quite right, at least not the way you say it. The .44 that was involved in Brandon Lee's death was a regular old revolver, not a prop gun and not de-milled or altered. It happened to have an unnoticed slug stuck in it's bore from weeks earlier. A blank round fired a real bullet at Brandon Lee, from a regular functioning .44 revolver.
That's not quite right, at least not the way you say it. The .44 that was involved in Brandon Lee's death was a regular old revolver, not a prop gun and not de-milled or altered. It happened to have an unnoticed slug stuck in it's bore from weeks earlier. A blank round fired a real bullet at Brandon Lee, from a regular functioning .44 revolver. I understood it years ago, there were some fake bullets used in the cylinder in order for realistic close up shots during an earlier filming of the gun. Some how one of those ended up lodged in the barrel and became a projectile propelled by the muzzle blast of the blank. As Sevens said, not a malfunction, but a simple case of someone failing to make sure the bore was clear. While a freak accident, easily avoided. Carter's death, if truly accidental, probably could also have been easily avoided with a titch of common sense. While tragic, at least he shot and killed himself and not someone else.
He could have been bent over tying a shoe or pulling on boots when a pocket knife or other object in his pocket hit the trigger with enough force to fire the gun. Would explain a lot and be very plausible.

The gun may have been intended to be used as a prop for the video, but based on what I've read was not being used in that capacity at the time of the discharge.

With the cameras and computers available at cheap prices it wouldn't be hard to put together a high quality video in someones home using nothing more than a cell phone camera, a computer, and some software.

The .44 that was involved in Brandon Lee's death was a regular old revolver, not a prop gun and not de-milled or altered. It happened to have an unnoticed slug stuck in it's bore from weeks earlier. A blank round fired a real bullet at Brandon Lee, from a regular functioning .44 revolver.

Not saying this is untrue, but is not the way it was reported at the time. And I find this explanation highly unlikely. I'm going to stay with the original version as most likely. This happened on a Hollywood set with trained prop men who were responsible for the weapons. I find it unlikely that they allowed a gun with a projectile lodged in the barrel on the set. These were prop guns that were never fired with live ammo.

The revolver was loaded with blanks. The actor was clowning around when he placed the muzzle to his head and pulled the trigger. At that range there was no need for a projectile. The concussion of the blank firing that close to his head fractured his skull and forced bone fragments into his brain.

At least that was how it was reported at the time and that certainly sounds much more likely.
jmr40 said:
The revolver was loaded with blanks. The actor was clowning around when he placed the muzzle to his head and pulled the trigger. At that range there was no need for a projectile. The concussion of the blank firing that close to his head fractured his skull and forced bone fragments into his brain.
I think you are confusing Brandon Lee's death with the death of a different actor, Jon-Erik Hexum.

Brandon Lee's death did not occur the way you related.