Could you go to rifle forum if you know about FAL's


New member
Might buy IMBEL FAL before kali bans them, that is in about 24hours, and needed some help. inch vs metric.

I know this is rifle forum topic but need to get word asap.

Thanks all.

I am not at all an expert in this matter, but I think if possible, you should buy metric instead of inches. Most FALs were build on the metric system, so I think parts for metric FALs can be found more easily than inch FALs. Most FAL 20-rnds mags out there are metric mags (with a little stud potruding at the front of the magazine). I heard these metric mags would work on inch receivers if the stud is ground off.

Since most FALs are metric, it makes sense ( to me at least), that most FAL kits comming to this country would be those based on the metric system.

Some people have mixed metric and inches parts together and the have problems sometimes with the sights. I think I read it here in this bbs that a guy built an FAL from both metric and inches part, and encountered problems when tried to zero the rifle (the rear sights at the lowest position, front sight cranked up to the highest position and still shoot high or something like that).

I hope somone with more knowledge than me would be able to answer your question properly.

Have you tried the FAL bbs? I think the address is:

By the way, definitely don't settle with anything less than an Imbel or DSA receiver. I have a Centurian FAL with Hesse receiver. Very satisfied with it for it is an excellent rifle for nostalgic/conversasion piece/plinking/back up purposes, but definitely not for a primary battle rifle

Good luck!

[This message has been edited by Johan762 (edited December 31, 1999).]
Most fal kits now are metric but most of the parts are interchageable.I have 2 L 1s and am pleased with them.The mags need no modification metric to inch but will notwork the other way because of the width of tit.Most mags are metric so no problem.Buy one now while you still can because in my opion the best main battle rifle ever built.
PS Check J&G in Prescott AZ
Just don't buy one of the ones made in INDIA, a combo of inch and metric dimentions, back ingineered. Those rifles are a bugger to find parts for.

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