Could Y2K be media created?


New member
Firs of all I think there may be a few problems with computers during Y2K, but I'm more woried about the social unrest and civil disobediance that will result. The media has festered up an entire deal about Y2K. This is a borderline theory but heregoes. As we all no Clinton is power crazy and will do anything to stay in power. Could it be possible that Clinton has encouraged the media to cause civil unrest among the masses, so during the millinium clinton can declare "marshall law" due to the unrest, and hold off on the presidential elections, because "the country needs him now more than ever during this time of unrest"? Just a theory but do you think he might try it in order to hold office for an extended period of time?
This last summer (mostly in July) we had a bunch of threads concerning Y2K, martial law, Clinton's involvement and motivations and unlimited havoc. Just use the "search" function to review these threads. I suggest your key word be "martial".

If all this needs to be discussed again, okay for now. But if the thread starts to go wild, it will be locked.

The answer to your question is NO.

The reasons are long and varied, but rest assured that the "government" is actually pressuring the media to only report "positive" Y2K stories. (From a Reuters story earlier in the year, and recently confirned by Ko-skin-em.)

In actuality, the gov't is DESPERATE to keep the lid on UNTIL THE LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT, in order to keep the economy going, and avoid bank runs/closures. The reality that this approach might actually make any panic WORSE is completely lost on them.

I am a computer consultant, and have been in the business for over 25 years. Most of my expertise is in heavy industry, and on mainframes. I've been HEAVILY researching Y2K for a year now, and have amassed a TWO FOOT HIGH stack of pertinent information.

If you want more info, email me off the board.