Could we see the dissolution of the Union?

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New member
These are my own personal thoughts and ruminations. I believe that the thread belongs here as it details an ongoing, threat to our freedoms, rights, and liberties.

If I'm wrong, move it, kill it, whatever; but at least give it a full and fair reading.

The United States now risks the dissolution of the Union because the current administration has simply chosen to ignore the Supreme Law of the Land.

The Constitution exists as the contract between the Federal government and the several States. When a contract, any contract, becomes irrelevant it also becomes unenforceable. The only course the principles who operate within the scope and guidelines of the contract have is to eventually declare that contract null and void.

Nowhere in the Constitution can it be found that the federal government has any power to take over lawfully owned and operated private businesses or;

to dissolve and sell lawfully owned and operated private businesses to a foreign entity or;

to take over the banking system or;

to set the maximum wages and earnings of any person or;

to go into business competing against established American businesses.

The very fabric of the American political system is being rewoven.

We now have Gov. Perry of Texas stating that secession is not outside the realm of possibility. Montana has been making similar grumblings.

We now have that same governor stating that the State of Texas will probably opt out of the federal health care system, if it is implemented, under Tenth Amendment Power of the States. Other states, such as Florida are threatening to follow suit.

The state of Montana recently invoked Tenth Amendment protection against federal government intervention in intrastate commerce.

The federal government has rejected their stance.

Thirty states have now passed, or proposed, tenth Amendment resolutions against federal govenmental interference in their affairs.

Several states have strong secessionist movements including Texas, Montana, Idaho, Alaska, and Hawaii.

We have always had militia types, like the Militia of Montana and the Michigan Militia, who hoard firearms and ammunition. That has always been a given; but now we have the common man buying firearms in record numbers and hoarding ammunition.

I work at Wal-Mart as a cashier and a couple of weeks ago I had a guy come through my line. He was buying handgun ammo of various calibers.

I said "So you're gonna go out and have some fun, huh?"

To which he answered "No. This is currency for the future."

Through conversation I found that he is a police officer. So even sworn police officers are buying and hoarding ammo for the future.

This is unprecedented.

In New Hampshire and Arizona something even more unprecedented happened in the last week. Men wearing openly carried firearms -- including one man with a semi-automatic military pattern rifle -- have shown up to protest town hall meetings where the President is appearing.

The Secret Service has stated that these men posed no threat and were operating within their rights and within state law. No one was detained, or even interviewed, by the locals or the Secret Service detail. This became big news in the Liberal press, however. Chris Matthews interviewed the New Hampshire man on his show but was unable to shake him. The guy was cogent, well spoken, and courteous.

So with all of what is happening within our borders -- government takeovers of private industry; unemployment numbers increasing; an increasingly hostile electorate; elected officials calling those who are excercising their right to redress of grievances "un-American" and other names; the President being elevated to a heretofore unprecedented level of power; the growing number of unelected, unvetted "Czars" being appointed by the President; the triumvirate aspect of our government becoming increasingly unicameral with the Constitutional mandate of checks and balances thrown to the wind; bills being passed without reading or even being present in the well of the floor in contravention to House and Senate rules; hundreds of pages of amendments being added to bills within hours of the vote on those bills without any floor discussion or debate -- will all of this eventually bubble up to the surface; and will the result be the dissolution of the greatest nation that mankind has ever witnessed?

Conversely, if that happens, will a new and greater nation rise in her place?

As I said, these are my thoughts and ruminations. I bring no answers, only questions. I would be interested in any thoughts.
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