Could we PLEASE get our story straight?

Brett Bellmore

New member
Just got the latest issue of the American Rifleman. LaPierre is reaming the President a new one over his refusal to enforce firearms laws against criminals. Only one problem, though: His poster child for failure to prosecute under the Brady law is Benjamin Smith.

Says Wayne, concerning Smith: "They caught him in the act of committing a series of Federal felonies. At a Federal Firearms Licensee, he was flagged as a criminal under the National Instant Check System (NICS). Smith - subject of a court's domestic abuse restraining order - was a prohibited person."

Now, aside from the fact that Smith later started blowing people away, and Emerson didn't, how does this differ from the Emerson case we've all celebrated? Smith WASN'T a criminal; He hadn't had a trial, even, let alone being convicted of a crime by a jury of his peers. He had been stripped of his right to keep and bear arms on the basis of an accusation, not a CONVICTION.

Now, is the NRA going to support Emerson, our best shot in ages of getting the Supreme court to uphold the Second amendment? Then Ben Smith is a really LOUSY example of Brady non-enforcement, because we're dedicated to the proposition that he SHOULDN'T have been denied that purchase. The last thing we should be doing is bringing up the Ben Smith case, with so many REAL criminals trying to buy guns.

On the other hand, if it was right to deny Smith that purchase, and he should have been locked away for decades for the crime of owning, handling, and attempting to purchase guns after merely being accused of some offense, but not being afforded a jury trial, then I suppose the NRA support's the GOVERNMENT'S position in Emerson. And I'm going to have to shred my life membership card, like I keep threatening to do.

Which is it? Can we settle on a postion, and stick with it consistently? Or is that too much to ask of the NRA?
We all know we've been over this ground before, but I'm not opposed to revisiting the issue.

The NRA seems afraid to talk about the core issue: that the 2nd Amendment affirms our right to own and carry any gun we wish at any time we wish. Once you agree to that premise, you have to agree that many (or maybe all) of these laws that the government is accused of not enforcing are not enforceable at all, because they are repugnant to the Constitution.

I am getting tired of this "But they're not enforcing the laws" argument.

On a side note, I wonder how many dealers have called 911 when they have learned that a so-called prohibitted person is trying to buy a gun in their shop.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
I agree. If the poster child is a convicted FELON who theoritically should have been prosecuted under Brady for even trying to buy a gun, then it's at least something, though I personally don't think that should get someone in criminal trouble.

But if they guy was denied a purchase because of the BfingS Lautenberg "domestic abuse" infringement on the second, then it is wrong and unconstitutional to prosecute him for TRYING to do something which is only made illegal by an unconstitutional law (Lautenberg).
You guys are finally getting the picture about NRA and other advocacy groups.

Particularly insightful is deanf's comment that he's tired of they're not enforcing the laws comments. Most laws are not meant to be enforced, they are grandstand plays by legislators aimed at seeming to do something while actually doing nothing. When you hear about somebody being tough on crime, they're usually running for some office.

A little vigilante justice might be in order these days!

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle
I just don't see why everyone keeps questioning the clarity of our second amendment. "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" is clear enough for me, as it was for our founding fathers.

The NRA certainly has lost respect among gun owners, but that shouldn't cause us all to "rip up our membership cards". The respect they've lost from me is in their blatant disregard for standing on principle. They have been playing the game of the opposition, and in so doing, have given up considerable ground. Instead of reversing what's been "infringed", they continue to seek compromise with so many infringements.

But until all NRA members can effectively slide over to the "NO COMPROMISE" gun lobby at Gun Owners of America (GOA), I'll continue supporting the NRA, and GOA.

The poster child for the NRA should be Thomas Jefferson or one of the other founding fathers. The poster should be rendered to show Mr. Jefferson with one hand holding the Constitution and the other one holding a firearm. Or another version would have his foot firmly squeezing Bill Clinton's head into the dirt, while he rips up the Gun Control Act, Brady Bill, and a stack of other un-Constitutional legislation.

At the point where the NRA takes the "NO COMPROMISE" approach, and seeks to repeal all of this crap, I will sign up my entire neighborhood as members (and pay for the dues myself).
One of the greatest problems that we face on this issue is APATHY! For the most part, sheeple are sitting on their back sides and are waiting for others to do the work. Do any of you believe that if all the hunters/gun owners in this country sent one letter to their congressman, gun rights would even be an issue? I would venture a guess that out of twenty legal and honest gun owners only one will pick up the phone or sit down and write a letter of concern. To punctuate this, I had a long talk today with a guy who professes to be concerned with the loss of 2nd Amendment rights. In fact he gets very animate and loud about it. I looked him straight in the eye and asked him if he ever wrote, called or emailed a politician about his concerns, he said "no". Yes, he was embarrased, but my point was made. We need to mobilize ourselves and get others to move also. I do it, it is hard. You have to find a way to talk to everyone you meet about the need to put political pressure on those useless fools in government. Votes is what the politicians listen to and lobbists money but that's another topic. If everyone on this list could get five people to write there congress person, there would be an impact. Let's face it folks, the rights guaranteed by the Consitution are waining and fading. So far the 2nd, 10th and 14th have come under fire, and in some cases outright violated with no one challenge, what will be next? The Clinton /Gore administration has sold us out to international interests. There is even talk on a United Nations tax on internet services to "help fund the development of internet ability to poorer countries and their people." (see I predict that we have about a ten year window, then we will wake up one morning and say "What happened?" It happened in Great Britian, Australia and Sweden. be vigilant, be proactive and be noisey!

Oh yeah, have you noticed that the media and left wing politicos are saying "rights granted by the..." instead of guaranteed by the Constitution? Just more subliminal Orwellian "goodspeak". Soften 'em up before you commit your ground troops.

(hopping off the soap box)

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory