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Could we ban some topics, please?

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New member
Not to be a ****, but it seems like everytime I get on here I see a new thread about one of the following topics - everywhere being out of ammo/components, some variant of a SHTF scenario, or someone saying that the new weapons ban is right around the corner. Could we focus more on things we can control, and actually use this forum as a tool to spread USEFUL information instead of fueling the fires? I personally like the threads where people say that things have gone insane and how much they hate that everyone has bought up all the ammo, but then they are looking for somewhere to buy ammo by the thousands of rounds. It's all a bit funny to me. I am not too panicked and wish other people would just calm the hell down. People seem to think that, if the S really does HTF, that a rifle and 500000 rounds of ammo is going to solve the problem. Ask the people who survived the Great Depression how many of them had guns and plenty of ammo.
We can control the weapons ban by contacting our senators and representatives, and reminding them that voting the right way will win our vote during the next election. Thats one of the best ways we individuals can get involved.
You might think it is funny, but the cost of ammo and guns right now, is not too funny to alot of people. Even reloading is getting to cost big. It is really a pain and people want to vent about it. It is a gun issue on a gun forum. Some of the postings are pretty redundant, and the moderators are always locking them up. Click click they must own stock in Masterlock! But there are millions of frustrated people dealing with the issues, that a comparable few post on forums is to be expected. If you think something is just too sorry for you to read, ask a mod to do something about it, he will do so if it is warranted.
I hate when everyone cries about this thread or that thread. Just don't read the thread. The title of said thread gives a pretty good idea on what the thread is about. YOU CAN EVEN BAN SOMEONE BY PUTTING THEM ON YOUR IGNORE LIST.

Good luck and shoot safe
First you want to ban certain posts or threads....what's next? A ban on say....Guns? I know, let's introduce the "Fairness Doctrine" into this forum!! Ya that's a great idea! If you don't like it, change the channel.
We must be protected from ourselves

I hate when everyone cries about this thread or that thread. Just don't read the thread.

When someone has a choice of what to read it behooves them to respect that choice and not take it from someone else by calling for a ban on this or that.

Way too much PC here already. The next person the call for a ban on discussion should start by banning themselves from the forum. my 2c
Since this thread is about allowable topics for discussion, and not about firearms, should we close it?

Firearms and firearms related topics are the allowed topics. Gun legislation and ammo prices would seem to fall into that category to me.
I too get tired of repetitive topics. But generally I just ignore the topic once I confirm that it is yet another of the same.

To be fair, I sometimes post topics that are redundant so I don't yell too loud.
Don't Touch Those "Topics":eek:

OK, so it's OK for them to get on here to rant, but not for me? Can we say hypocritical? Nah. And I don't even click on them, it's just sorting through them to look for threads I want to read is a pain. And, some have said if I don't like it, don't read it or reply, maybe you should do the same in this case. This thread is not directly related to firearms but to the forum itself, so I hope it stays open. I don't see how continually complaining about the same things helps the forum any more than this one.
Ask the people who survived the Great Depression how many of them had guns and plenty of ammo.

O.K., I'll ask my Mom's Uncle Elmo how prevalent gangs were in the 20's and 30's and what the likelyhood was of being a a victim of a bunch of punks, or having your home invaded, or being car- jacked, or your business broken into and looted whenever certain folks are unhappy with any number of occuring social situatiions, or whenever opportunities present themselves.

Might be that a few things have changed since the depression--not all for the better.

Concealed carry wasn't real popular in those days, and may not have been as necessary. Today, since handgun shooting is a parishable skill, and many of us carry we need ammo for regular practice.

Ammo is also a good investment, and makes for valuable barter.

SD ammo that's carried should be shot up and replaced from time to time.

Lastly, many of the people who never needed all that ammo, firearms, extra food, fuel, batteries, etc., etc., avoided problems because they had adequate supplies on hand of all of the above.:cool:

Why don't you list ten subjects, or so, that meet with your approval? And remember, you don't have to click on a thread subject that you're tired of participating in.
I think we ought to ban the subject of S&W IL's (interior locks). Since I have 2 new ones, I don't like to hear people bashing them. LOL. :p :D
Ban :

My Zombie girl friend is a liberal college professor, doesn't like guns, voted for Obama and supports the UN. Should we break up?

She tried to shoot my 1911 and it tore her arm clean off and now she won't go to the range. :o

PS - I've had two big strong men tell me that they shot a 1911 once and it almost tore their arm clean off. So what would it do to a zombie?

Seriously, the girlfriend gun and ditch 'em threads get old.
Yes, you're allowed to rant, 2DaMtns, as long as you keep your rants within the bounds of applicable TFL rules, and that INCLUDES not relying on the profanity filter to replace bad language with ******.

Just for the record, everyone else is also allowed to rant under the same conditions.

That said, I don't see how it can be that much of a pain scrolling past those threads. For years I have scrolled past hundreds of threads that are of no interest/no use to me. I never viewed it as much of a hardship.

I don't see this going anywhere useful again, so I'm going to close it.
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