Could use some "Help"


New member
Hey Folks!
New to this forum, not new to the gun community. Need some help on identification, and value of a couple pieces that aren't part of my "normal" trading stock.

1. Weatherby MarkV--.300 Weatherby Mag.--original "Weatherby Premium"
3x9x40 scope--all in an old Browning leather hard case. I would rate this piece 85% because of major bluing loss on the front 5" of the barrel. Every thing about the gun is tight.Was told it was originally purchased sometime in the early "80's", made it to Africa twice, and Wyoming once. Has litterly been in the garage over 20 years--guy dies--wife has a friend sell it. Presto its mine.

2.Interarms- Alexandria Virginia- Mark X- .338 Win. beautiful stock on this piece--would seem to have some type of modified mauser action. This gun will clean up nicely, but right now can't give it more than 85%-- its filthy. Stored in a soft split leather case( dyed dark green) with a felt liner depicting ducks in flight . Same dead guy- same wife. I know .338 luppa, no.338 Win.

Catching a flight to Oklahoma tomorrow--turkeys out in the middle of no-where. Maybe you all can beat this up while I'm gone, and "no", I don't have pics yet, but will work on that in the coming days. Thanks in advance cause I know I can always depend fellow "gun nuts" to vocalize on their favorite subject.
My $0.02:

#1 = 85% = $750, +/- , add $200 if early/German/Sauer action.

#2 = Commercial Yugo Mauser (Zavasta, IIRC), .338 Win Mag is uncataloged, $350-$450 +/-, depending upon cleanup results.

Thanks for the input. Have been told that the Weatherby Premier Scope, w/original covers, should up the anne on this. Also, it is definately Japanese.