Could be the beginning of something ...

PADUCAH, Ky. -- The parents of three students killed at a Kentucky high school filed a $130 million lawsuit Monday against the entertainment industry, asserting that media violence inspired the boy who shot their children.

Named in the lawsuit filed in Federal District Court here were two Internet pornography sites, several computer game companies and the makers and distributors of a 1995 film featuring Leonardo DiCaprio.

"We intend to hurt Hollywood," said Jack Thompson, one of the parents' lawyers. "We intend to hurt the video game industry. We intend to hurt sex porn sites."

Full details at:
This is similar to a suit pending here in Louisiana where the family of a robbery victim is suing director Oliver Stone and Time Warner, alleging that his movie "Natural Born Killers" inspired a real life crime spree.
In the local case, the perps were doing drugs for days while watching the movie over and over. In KY, the shooter is claiming "insanity". In a rational world, one would wonder how these folks bringing these suits expect to prove their claims when in both cases the individuals committing the crime are trying to sidestep responsibility by claiming mental incompetence.
I think this is just another example of under-employed lawyers who are trying to extort some money from people they think have pockets deep enough to throw them some crumbs to go away.
Maybe I should sue Need for Speed and Test Drive and the people who put out the movie Blues Brothers for making me break traffic laws? hey anyone play those games/watch that movie and have tickets? maybe we can make it a class action thing.
I don't know maybe I'm just a little smarter than the average bear, but tv/video games/internet never made me do anything I didn't want to do.
I am going to sue the movie Wild Orchid for the cost of raising my little girl. If my wife and I hadn't seen that movie we wouldn't have got BUSY that night and I would still be debt free.

I going to talk to my lawyer.

Ticked Off and Needing Money

Well, I am going to sue the producers of TOP GUN... My then Girl Friend said a line from that movie then jumped me! "Take me to bed or lose me forever!"
I used to have a LARGE gun collection - 3 motorcycles, a VW GTI, FORD THUNDERBIRD SUPER COUP, and a BMW 325I...
Now... there all gone, and I have 4 boys now, and a mountain of bills.

GOOSE, YOU BIG STUD - i'm going to kick the crap you! :)

"There is no Spoon"
I think this sort of thing needs to happen. These very Hollywood types are the ones who advocate suing gun manufacturers, tobacco companies, and auto companies for the very same reason. Perhaps if they're made to bleed a bit, they won't be so eager to make others bleed.

These Hollywood types speak out of both sides of their mouths. On one hand they like to toot their own horn and say that no other medium has as much influence on American life and opinion as the entertainment industry. However, when something bad happens, they maintain that the entertainment couldn't possibly have had any effect.
That is a pretty true statement when you think about it. Your right actually. I just hate to see all of the sueing going on. Because in the end they are still getting rich, and it put them in a better position to comeback on us through entertainment. (ie. Assassin w/ Sly Stalone and Antonio Banderas, on the side of the Bus during the CAB ride there was a NRA symbol crossed out. They have tremendous power and as long as the entertainment business continues to grow, we can't expect that power to be reduced.
