Costume ideas for IPSC Halloween match


New member
It's that time of year again - guns and zombies! We're going to have a giant haunted house we have to shoot out of for one of the stages, with a bunch of rooms with cobwebs and props all over the place. It should be a blast.

I need costume ideas though. Last year I did the lunatic doctor thing with a white coat and lots of blood stains. Zombies aren't a good idea, because we're supposed to shoot those...

The only constraints on the costume is that I still have to wear all my IPSC gear, and of course nothing should interfere with my vision, while allowing me to wear my shooting glasses and ears.
LOL Slotback, the "zombies" for the shotgun portion are made with self-healing rubber. But all targets are dressed up. Hence why we shouldn't dress up as the "enemy" :p

Plus there are prizes for best costume, where as the best shooter only gets level 2 standings... :rolleyes:

I should also mention that my wife is also shooting in this match (on the same squad), and a couples theme might go well.

Venom1956, your Resident Evil thing is interesting in light of the stage accident in Toronto a couple weeks ago that sent many zombies to hospital while making the latest movie. Imagine all these folks with intestines hanging out lying on hospital beds while there for only little bruises!
I should also mention that my wife is also shooting in this match (on the same squad), and a couples theme might go well.

See if you can find a black pinstripe suit (Goodwill, Salvation Army) that you don't mind getting dirty. Find a tight fitting black bodysuit for the wife and go as John Steed and Emma Peel from the "Avengers".
My wife's Idea, she's English. :)

Edit: You could use the same suit and have your wife go a "Gun Moll" from the prohibition era.
See if you can find a black pinstripe suit

egor20, that would be perfect if we were doing an IDPA match and concealment was necessary. But in this case, the biggest stage is likely to require over 40 rounds. In this 10-rounds per mag country of Canada, that means a full belt with a spare on a magnet and the stripper in your pocket. It's really hard to think of something that's not going to interfere with your mag changes, your vision, or your movement. While winning the best costume would be cool, I'd rather place first for the match! :D

I'm thinking maybe I'd be a mummy wrapped up with that brown Halloween fabric they sell, and my wife could be that Egyptian girl the mummy got in trouble with on the original movie "The Mummy".

Time is running out, and I need to start working on this ASAP! Why oh why is IPSC so hard this time of year ... :rolleyes:
Batman would be good but with about 100 shooters at this match, I fear it might be duplicated. Would it be really politically incorrect for me to go as "Black Dynamite"? I'm thinking big afro wig, lots of makeup, tight wide-collar shirt, and colorful wide-leg flared pants...
Would it be really politically incorrect for me to go as "Black Dynamite"? I'm thinking big afro wig, lots of makeup, tight wide-collar shirt, and colorful wide-leg flared pants...


You could always go the opposite way and go as

Napoleon Dynamite

Just need a red Afro wig and a "VOTE FOR PEDRO" T-shirt.
How about the Ghost of IPSC Past, with daisy dukes, striped knee-high sweat socks, Ernie Hill t-shirt, foam-front Colt ballcap, etc.?
Hearing protection should fit under the hat, belt will handle the holster and mags.....


....or maybe a Pirate theme....
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Ha ha ausher very funny. :eek::p:D

Anyway, I decided to go with egor20's idea about going as Napoleon Dynamite, but with a difference. I found a red Afro wig and a white tee-shirt. Only the shirt says: "Spank my money for 50 (25) cents" and there is a stuffed monkey with its bum sticking out that is stuck with Velcro on the shoulder. I may not win first prize for costume, but it should get some laughs from the RO and scorer! :D