Cosmoline disposal


New member
Kind of an afterthought, but how do you guys dispose of the cosmoline once removed from your C&R rifles? It seems like it could make one heck of a mess.
Hard, dry or crusty chunks go in the trash along with the rags & toothpicks used to remove it.
Soft gushy stuff that looks decent I dollop into a film can for future use.:eek:
All the rags and such just get tossed in the trash. Not very 'green' of me, I know, but I manage to live with myself anyway.
Burn barrel.

Let's trot out the warning about spontaneous combustion and solvents, rags, thinners, grease, cosmoline. You stack this stuff together in a tight spot (garbage can) and it will burst into flame. If you don't have the option of a burn barrel, hang the rags out to ventilate, evaporate. Ventilated area. With the garage door closed, I find the garage interior smells like gun solvent after cleaning ONE rifle. These solvents are volatile!
If it's legal/viable in your area, I wholeheartedly concur with the burn barrel concept. Keeps a lot of otherwise very toxic substances out of the land fill.

While burning is not the best of all possible worlds, it will produce less toxic substances and pollution in the long run.