Correcting Bubba's work


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It took some scrounging to find original furniture and small parts, but was a fun project.
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at least they didn't cut the barrel.

I keep thinking about trying to do the same thing with a "sporterized westinghouse or remmington Mosin nagant. It seems to be alot easier and cheaper to find a US made mosin that has been butchered than an unaltered American Mosin.
My dad has an Enfield exactly like the one in the top pic. He bought it at a pawn shop in Atlanta in 1960 for $10

That must have been a professional Bubba because he made at least two like that.

I always thought it would have looked a lot better in original configuration.
Oh, poor maligned Bubba!

Oh is he?

Bubba, to me, is the guy who does a crappy job, not just someone who didn't see the use of carrying a 9lb GI issue rifle to hunt deer when he could shave a few pounds of weight, and make it look nice in the process.

Based on the pics, those rifles weren't "Bubba'd", they were just low end sporter conversions, getting rid of the extra unneeded weight of the wood.

OK, maybe you think the inlays look cheesy, but times, and tastes were different then.

I know this is close to heresy in the Curios & relics forum, but those rifles are better functional deer guns than the GI originals. However, we're collectors, today (and yes, I are one too ;)), who have even better spporting rifles for hunting, so the GI issue condition of the milsurps is more important to us.

Nice job on restoring those SMLEs. Pat yourself on the back. Just don't go thinking you actually improved them from what they were. Cause its all in the eye of the owner.;)

Times and tastes change. They are better looking, to you, now. But I think the original owner (if still alive) would disagree. ON the other hand, if you can't find one that was never sporterised, converting one back is a fine project, and gives satisfaction in the end, and thats what its all about in the long run, being happy with what you have. Enjoy!
I hear you 44 AMP. Bubba does take a beating that is often not deserved.

I was one of those Bubba's sporterizing these things back in the mid sixties. For a twenty dollar bill I could have a descent hunting rifle and ammo to spare.

I'm refinishing that inlayed wood, I may run across a cut barrel that can use it. I think the original owner did a great job with it.

Here's my next restoration project. It's an old Santa Fe Special.

The charger bridge is damaged so I'm going to mill the top of the receiver, Plug the extra four scope mount holes on the side of the receiver, God knows who many different scope mounts have been on this rifle. A 22 inch barrel and scrub and blue. Something I've wanted to do back in the day but never had the extra resources. I may even hang that inlayed wood on it.
Nice work! They'll take prized positions in someone's collection and be preserved now so GOOD JOB.

I agree though - Bubba gets a bad rap. Poor guy was just doing what seemed perfectly normal and reasonable back in the day.
