Corps chooses 9mm over .45

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fire arms experts remain unable to arrive at a consensus on lube.
They also are unable to arrive at a consensus as to what makes a fire arms expert.
Now they are changing equipment yet once again, if Trump wins the election, is there any chance the old stuff will be sold on the surplus market?
(Picture a slobbery dog with his tongue hanging out).
Saw it on the BookFace.

My comment would be "so?". Their reasons (economy, logistics, and the fact that for them this is a "secondary weapon") do not apply to my personal choices.
I suspect the decision was mostly based on logistics and weight. The 9 ammo is in inventory and is shared by NATO allies. Also, troops grumble about the weight they carry (a legitimate complaint) and more rounds of 9 can be carried for the same weight as much fewer rounds of 45.
As a CCW instructor the question I was ask many, many times was, "what caliber of handgun should I use"?

My answer to that was use what you shoot best, misses are misses no mater what caliber.

It's what between your ears that will have the most bearing on winning a gun fight.

Yes I love my 45's and that's what I carry 98 percent of the time, I also shoot them well.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Even though the .45-caliber cartridge has more propellant, the 9mm round usually has more penetrating power because the smaller round faces less air resistance on its nose as it files through the air, said Neil Clapperton, a firearms and forensic expert with the Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory.

Never can be sure if that's what the "expert" actually said or what the "journalist" thought he said after not understanding a word of it and misinterpreting it all.
Kind normal these days.
Have to agree with SaxonPig.
The Glock is lighter, cheaper, simpler, and takes NATO spec ammo.

The only downside is that the C.O. won't feel like his outfit is quite as Elite.
That's most likely because they were told to. Nobody else uses .45 ACP. The 9mm is the NATO Standard. Which is why ya'll got the Berretta in the first place. Although the actual choice of pistol was entirely political.
Same silly arguments have been argued about every firearm ever adopted by every military everywhere. They're chosen for political reasons and have been since W.W. II.
"...for them this is a "secondary weapon"..." Is for everybody else too.
"...a firearms and forensic expert..." Things must be different in RI.
They misspelled "expert" in this case. Try "ex spurt".

Or maybe there is no such thing as ex spurts, just former spurts. long as they choose a pistol and caliber that all the Internet gun experts agree on, they should be well-armed.....
It could be that they have released what most of the worlds military and police released years ago that the 9MM is a better all round caliber.
For me personally, choosing a pistol, I care about as much what the Marines chose as I do what the FBI chose. Which by the way is, I don't care at all what they chose.
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