Cornered Rat departs, please welcome an American


I had picked "cornered rat" moniker when my level of optimism was quite low. With my outlook on life improving, I would like to retire Mr. Rat for the time being. Behold my "original" new name :)

Oleg "American" Volk

An American
"Human Life is Worth Defending"

[This message has been edited by American (edited December 05, 1999).]
Well howdy there Mr. American! Glad to see you've perked up. While the 'ol rat was gettin a bit negitive there for a while, he always did provide a unique perspective on things. I do hope you don't lose that edge.
I think the difference is strategic rather than purely tactical outlook. I am optimisitc about being alive and armed in fifty years, whereas before I could barely expect to take a slight escort for the upcoming trip to hell.

I am sure you will still hear plenty of rants from my corner. For now, I am going back to loading up a mess of en blocks :)

Oleg "American" Volk

PS: A bit of a pun here: Volk=wolf (Russian)
COOL! Although I personally think "Captain American" would be a better choice . . . :) but I have no fear of Oleg's commentary going downhill.

Seriously, if it's not too personal, what prompts this new positive outlook?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Personally, I liked Rat

Guess I have to go delete "cornered rat"...and let the nick be available for a new member, huh?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I am not too fond of styling myself after a comic book character...and my cape doesn't enable me to fly anyway :)

On the reasons for guarded optimism:

- looking back at all historic and literary precedents for the current situation, I am of opinion that we are not doing all that poorly, all things considered. We might not have particular advantages of other times and places, but the sum of them looks very good indeed -- by comparison with all other possibilities.

- I have found a small but motivated and resilient alliance on my side

- my estimate of what level of perfection in a society is achievable has changed, so my level of frustration with imperfections that do not directly threaten to kill me has eased

I think Prof. De la Paz (sp?) from "Moon is a Harsh Mistress" had expressed a similar sentiment in talking about being free in an imprefect society with constricting rules. I hope to learn to live on my own terms someday, and that quest stands a good probability of success.

I am also keeping myself to busy to fret: I teach others to shoot handguns and teaching myself to shoot rifle. I am learning to do my day job better. I spend time and effort helping others, parents, friends, others' kids. I am still armed and fairly alert, but I am living my life for itself rather than as a break before the final battle with evil.

I am sure better and wiser reasons will come to mind once I post this...might add more later.
Considering how utterly dull and unimaginative my new moniker is, I would be happier if "cornered rat" was retired, not returned to circulation. I would feel very weird seen a "former self" post. In fact, it would be nice to be able to make a report from the rathole occasionally.

Using a real name would be fine. I picked "American" as that is how I define myself, by and large. Would DC/other moderators suffer yet another name change? Going by my own name wouldn't be a bad idea.

[This message has been edited by American (edited December 05, 1999).]

Ehto delo vkusa, Amerikanets. Delajte kak vy khotite.

I've seen your name many places on the internet. I don't think you are TFL's "best kept secret"! ;)

There are arguments for and against using your real name - you know them better than I do.

You can tell my opinion by my user name. Make your decision and go for it. :D :D
And you men bitch and moan about how flighty women are.
Make a choice it here. Your next post is your login and the rest will be burned.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Oh, I would say that men I know are much worse than women I know in propensity to gosssip, impulse-shop and change minds *after* engaging mouths. In the interest of clarity, I would like to post as "Oleg Volk" from now on.

"American", nice as it is, could be viewed as flag-waving, and I have seen far too many monkeys doing that lately...

"Cornered Rat", though dear to me, is no longer accurate. So, I will just be myself and see if I can survive the experience.

Oleg Volk

PS: Could we have "taps" for the Ratso?
Uh oh! The rats are leaving the ship! Seriously, the change is probably for the better. You won't keep remembering your cornered past in the USSR everytime you see your own alias. And hopefully, we all won't be cornered rats here for a quite a while yet, never if we all have any say in it. Just curious, have you become a US citizen yet? I'm not very well versed on the procedure or how long it takes.

The cause it is noble and the cause it is just. We are ready to pay with our lives if we must. - Mark Knopfler
I became a US Citizen about six years ago. That's Duties and Rights. Spare me the "granted privileges"...

[This message has been edited by American (edited December 06, 1999).]
Oleg, I have always enjoyed your posts and your honesty. Perhaps I look for it too carefully, but I've always appreciated hearing from those who have experience with the true Iron Curtain. Perspective matters.

Personally, I don't care if you call yourself Mickey Mouse ... as long as you continue to grace us with your wit and frank discussion. You are a TFL resource par excellence.

Congratulations on your citizenship! We need as many Americans as we can get who truly value our special heritage of liberty.

And, say hello to Michelle - I miss her discussion as well, and hope she does not think too ill of us 'libertarians'. ;)

Take care. We'd like to see you in AZ someday, and perhaps buy you a real drink - tequila. ;)
I hate to sound negiative, but I think the entire American population are cornered rats considering the destruction of our Constitution and especially the RKBA that our present administration is forcing on us with the gleeful support of the administration's lickspittle lapdog major media.