Cork Guns in School


New member
Went to the 6 year old daughters school carnival the other night and guess what the most popular game was?? Yep it was the cork gun target shooting event. They had 6-8 cork guns with soccer moms & dads running the event. Our daughter went again and again and had a blast shooting empty coke cans.

Never seen so many kids lined up for one event and they kept going again and again. We also herd lots of positive coments from the parents about this event. Quite a few parrents were giving the kids gun safety lessons while wating in line :)

Might even have to volunteer next year to help keep this event flourishing!!!!!!
The best I saw at our local carnie was the star shoot. A piece of paper with a star on it, and you had to shoot out the star with a BB gun... A full auto BB gun... A Thompson replica full auto BB gun. Was nearly impossible. Thing had a rate of fire around 2000 rounds per minute, and you only had 100 rounds. Short bursts were the only way to go. Blew about 50 bucks before I finally got it.
Joey, That's great, guns at school and NOBODY getting expelled or sent to the slammer. Perhaps, such experiences as your daughter's and her classmates will mean something down the road.


Those full auto BB guns used lead BB's. Just about pure lead at that, if one of the carnies come around and they have the booth, check on buying the spent BB's. They sure can't be reused since they are real flat on one side. I am not real sure what they would do with them if someone did not buy them.

I picked up several 5 gallon buckets of lead for reloading that way for a couple of $/bucket.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Arnt those carnie guns using a lead rod as its ammo source? It chews the rod into tiny bits and shoots those? Yeah - I like that game too. I remember getting kicked off it once. The Carnie said "You like this too much." I just grinned at him and he just shivered... but he did give me the big pink monkey for my kid!

Cork Guns at school? What about "Even the Image" of a gun? Amazing that schools can do one thing and say another... I am glad that the game was even allowed - let alone there was no criminal minded outsider student to take a gun and commit a mass corking.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
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