Corbon +P 110GR JHP

I agree with WS2. Too hot, not enough weight. A little less speed with a little more weight.(IMHO)

Saw an individual take a 1 oz. load of #8 shot at 15 ft. He stopped, but wasn't hurt too bad, just scared to death. Had that been buckshot, he'd be 6' under, instead of using my tax money in jail.
I like it! I shot a pig in the head with it and it worked great. It penetrated the skull and ended up with about 7" total penetration. The bullet fragmented and performed exactly as I would like! It's what I carry in my 642.
I bought some for my Taurus M85CH a while back, and it excelled at the denim/playdough tests as well, but I stuck with my 158gr SWCHP+Ps anyway.
Primary reason I stuck with my existing load was the muzzle blast far exceeded that of my SWCHPs and didn't (in my mind, anyways) offer any added performance.

Old test indicates pressure too high for anything but (burecrat-restricted) full-size 357 duty guns.


stuff was a bit too much of a good thing in j-frame fiveguns in my opinion.
CORBON stopped loading the +p+ loads january 1 '99 and went with a +p loading after a bunch of testing of new propellents, one of which really dropped pressures but kept this 38-110's velocity high enough to make the bullet work quite well. This loads' 1250fps speed is from a 4" bbl, the standard 38special test length. In some testing of j-frame 2" pistols, four of 'em at the same time with the same box of cartridges, the slowest gun was 950fps and the fastest was 1175fps, NO FOOLIN'!!!
There ain't no guns vary more in their ballistic output than 38 snubbies and i'll be damned if i know why, guys.
Incidently, for those who keep asking for CORBON's old +p+ 38-158lhp load, it was discontinued when the manufacturer of the bullet quit making them. CORBON tested a bunch of other 38-158lhp bullets with nary a one of 'em working worth a pinch of shiq in comparison to the original. It was also the only lead bullet self defense load in CORBON' s so it quietly disappeared. Actually that crabby ol' bastard Merbatch took all that was left over at the plant home to shoot up in his equally old COLT SAA 38SPECIAL and left the rest of us in the lurch...