Corbon 45 Acp +p 230 Gr Jhp

Was wondering if anybody has had any experience with Corbon's
45 ACP +P in 230 GR. JHP.

Normally use Remington's Golden Sabers, but a couple of years ago bought two boxes of the above mentioned Corbon and have to admit, the rounds are really intimidating. Huge mouth to the hollowpoints. Don't know who's bullet it is, but it really looks like a cooky cutter.

Has an advertised 950 FPS, but again don't know enough about CORBON ammo to know if its really reliable.

Maybe someone out there could fill me in.

Safe shooting.
Corbon ammo


I have used Corbon ammo for years and like it. There have been reports on other forums that Corbons ammo is erratic in regards to accuracy. I have not found this to be true with my 1911's

I use Corbons in my compacts but have switched to Federal 230 grain Hydra Shoks in my 5 inch 1911's. As to the bullets I think that Corbon is using Gold Dots.

Get some and test them in your 1911 and if it is accurate then go for it as you won't be disapointed.:D
I have never fired Corbons .45 offerings, but have fired their 9mm and 38 spcl. loads, and yes I did find them to be erratic in accuracy. The 38 loads were more like patterns. I have fired the Triton offerings in 45 and found them to be quite accurate, just as good as the 9mm loads I have fired by Triton.
COR-BON currently uses a proprietary bullet fron Sierra Bullets for all of its defensive handgun ammo. At one time they used Speer bullets including Gold Dots in some of their ammo. I have fired every caliber that they make and have never found a problem with accuracy or quality. I've carried them in all my carry guns from 32 Auto to 45 ACP for 10 years now and will continue to.