

New member
Over the last couple of days the kids at my middle school have been sent emails stating that bombs will go off during the second lunch period on the 6th or the 7th. Because of this everyone was scared yesterday. During my first period class (band) we heard an announcement...this is an attendant at the school:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Please, teachers, keep your students in class. I know you change at 10:30 but please keep them in[/quote]
That really freaked everyone out. Then the worst thing that I've ever heard at school was announced...this is the principle:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Teachers, Students, and Staff. Because of the recent scares and threats that there is a bomb in the school. And the fact that everyone in the building is scared, I have decided to have the school searched. Please exit through the east exit.[/quote]
I thought to myself...OMG.
Could this happen to my school? As we were leaving the building Fire Trucks and Police Officers started to arrive. There were no bomb squad officers?!? What is that? No bomb squad? That was another thought that went through my head. Then when we got comfortable sitting down (I was by the wallball board) I noticed some kids crying. Then an ambulance passed by and parked itself. Then the left the ambulance running there. The parametric left and went to the building. Then some of the police officers carried a ladder to the fire truck. They didn't even use it. Then the fire truck drove off. Then the parametric wen't into the ambulance and drove off. Then we heard a bell. The signal to go back into school. It had only been a half an hour...Then...The worst part. We had to go to lunch. It was the second period lunch. Everyone...I mean everyone, even the toughest of kids were crying...Every girl was really scared. A lot of the tough kids were screaming. When they started calling off names on the announcements everyone was deadly silent. We were praying that we would be called up to leave. Everyone started hugging each other. The black kids, the white kids. The small kids, the big kids. Then I tried to leave. I was heading out when one of the administrators stopped me. Damn...that close. Then will a little bit of luck, when I got back everyone told me that I had been called up to the office to leave. I went to the administrator that had stopped me and I asked him, "Could your please ask the office if they called me? I couldn't hear." He told me, "I know your game kid. Go sit back down." I didn't sit. I went to our table and told everyone goodbye that I was leaving. Another kid and me decided we were going to pretend to be on of the people that were called up. We made it to the office when I heard someone shout my name, "Zach...Zach..." I was so happy. Even thought I had cried earlier. I was leaving! It was my best friend's mother. On the way out we were interviewed for the news and we showed them the letter. My best friend held it up. Then we went to the place where she worked another middle school. Then when we got in the SS class, the teacher said, "Today's subject is Colorado." I was about to scream. The letter had stated that the explosion in the lunchroom was going to be bigger that Littleton, Colorado. The rest of the day went usual. Today I'm staying home from the school, being that it is the 7th. There is one theory buzzing around on why they did this...Mother's Day. That day the 5th grade soon to be 6th grade parents were in the lunchroom. Talk about strange and unseen coincidence or planned out b/s.

To stay on the topic of my subject, I think these/this kid(s) that started the rumors was trying to copy the Trench Coat Mafia. What do you think?

[This message has been edited by Zach (edited May 07, 1999).]
I think that when they're caught they should go to jail for a nice, long stay. Here in the DC area, we continue to have a lot of this crap. On Tuesday of last week 72,000 DC public school students (not to mention teachers & admin) missed the whole day due to bomb threats.

If you do the math (72,000/365=197 years, 197/78 (avg. life expectance)=2.5+ lifetimes wasted) putting those responsible in the slammer for a couple of years doesn't seem unreasonable. Time is the one thing no one gets any more of, when it's gone, it's gone. We could also fine them the cost of running the schools and staff salaries for the day. At a decent sized school, you're looking at thousands of dollars an hour. One way or the other, they should pay a big price.

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited May 07, 1999).]
The police officer and some teachers told me that the most they can get is 15 years in jail.
The short answer to your question is...yes.
The sad truth is that the sensational coverage the news media gave the Colorado incident has spawned a rash of these prank threats. The other sad fact is that we have so many kids willing to pull these pranks for the publicity it generates. It shows the type of mentality that could actually lead to another disaster.

Perhaps someone could enlighten me about kids and schools today. My kids have been grown for a while and I want to know when, exactly, did the kids start running the schools? An article in the local paper, just after the Colorado killings, quoted the Principle of the local high school. He said that it would be nice if they could "single out" troublesome kids for intervention but to do so based on thier fashion sense, odd behavior or radical political beliefs would "violate their civil rights"!

Pardon me, but I am an adult and I can lose my job for doing those things. All a company has to do is warn an employee about a violation of company rules (which the company sets) and further violation will result in punishment or dismissal. Are ther no school rules any more? Are there no dress codes and rules of conduct? There were when I went to school! We could never have worn pants three sizes too big, falling off our a** with a big hole in the butt, no belt, shirt untucked with big logos all over it and a hat turned backwards. We couldn't wear a hat in the building at all. No pierced whatevers.

Why do kids do these crimes? How about a generation of kids who grew up with no rules, no clear cut definition of right and wrong and no real penalty for anything.

We all had tendencies for misbehavior in our younger lives. Discipline corrected most of it. Fear of punishment by our parents made most of us behave. Others kept misbehaving until the police got involved and were scared straight by the fear of punishment by the law. Others became career criminals but how many more would choose that path if there were no penalty for misbehavior. I'm afraid we are about to find out.


[This message has been edited by Mikey (edited May 07, 1999).]
I'm sincerely sorry Zach. Its a damn shame but there are evil, selfish and thoughtless people out there.

My uncle, who was in college during the late 60's and early 70's said that bomb threats were pretty common...fortunately none ever panned out.
When I was in college, there was a bomb threat during my P-Chem final...nothing came of it, except wasted time, disruption, poorer performance for all of us. The cops showed up, stopped the exam, moved us all out and we stood around stressing for 1/2 hr. Then had to go back and finish the final. Nothing was found and it was believed that the threat was from a student ill-prepared who was hoping to cancel or postpone the exam.

I agree with both Mikes, if found these people should be crushed, not counseled.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"