Cops Gone Wild Redux...What IS it with the NYC area?


New York Daily News

S.I. cops strip, strand boy after he's found tossing eggs


Friday, November 2nd 2007, 4:00 AM

Two Staten Island cops are in hot water for trying to scare a 14-year-old boy they caught tossing eggs on Halloween by stripping off his clothes and dumping him in a desolate area, a police source and family members said.

Officers Thomas Elliassen and Michael Danese caught the prankster throwing eggs at cars in a 120th Precinct neighborhood about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, the source said.

The cops drove the teen to a swampy area of the 122nd Precinct, dropped him off wearing only boxer shorts and socks and left, the source said.

The boy, Rayshawn Moreno of Graniteville, walked to a Burlington Coat Factory store on South Ave. and asked a security guard there to call his parents, who picked him up, his dad said.

"Rayshawn was taken to a secluded, remote area, stripped of his clothes, beaten by the officers and left for dead," said his father, James Hezel.

The cops later told their supervisor that they dropped the kid off to scare him, the source said. They said they returned to find him later but that he was gone, the source said.

"He is shaken up. He is scared. He is terrified," Hezel said of his son, a freshman at Port Richmond High School.

Elliassen and Danese were put on modified duty. Their guns were taken away, and they were both working behind desks, the source said.

"The officers were placed on modified assignment based on a complaint made and the matter is under investigation," an NYPD spokesman said.

Internal Affairs Bureau detectives interviewed the boy and his mother last night.

Hezel said he believed the officers, who are white, picked on his son because the teen is black.

"There's still racism in the New York Police Department, especially in Staten Island," the father said.
Stupid thing for the cops to do.


The kid will never do that again, I bet.


Where the HELL were the parents? Why they letting their juvie kid run around tossing eggs at cars at night?

Should prosecute the parents with Child Neglect.

Granted, the kid will never do it again, but that was Not Okay for cops to do that!

If anyone else told a 14-year-old boy to strip, they'd be charged as sexual predators!
Interesting... the report relates his being stripped and dropped off but when the parent starts talking "beating" is mentioned...

Stupid cops. Stupid kid. FYI, this was on Halloween.
One can almost think along with those two cops in that situation, as they weighed the utter futility and possible professional risk (as in the inevitable braying of "racist cops" - see parents' references to "beaten and left for dead," above) of arresting the kid, taking him in and writing him up, versus a desire to teach the punk some kind of lesson and dissuade him from tossing eggs at cars. This is, by the way, no harmless Halloween prank at all, given the fair likelihood of startling a driver into wrecking, or "just" the property damage to automotive finishes caused by egg shells and contents.

Stupid cops, stupid kid, yes, but . . .

ETA: Didn't mean to suggest Musketeer was okay with egging cars!
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How about, oh, I don't know, taking him to juvenile hall and putting him in the holding pen to "scare" him, legally, and without endangering him by leaving a half-naked underage boy in an empty area in the middle of the night?
CrazyIvan - so you were a saintly child who never got into mischief? Lots of kids do things in the early evening (before about 8:30pm) as pranks and sometimes they go wrong.

These cops were clearly not making good decisions and putting the kid at risk.

As a freshman in high school I has several friends who started down the wrong path. They were caught egging cars by the local cops. The cops told the boys they had a choice - juvenille hall or explain to their parents. (can't ya just shoot me instead?) The boys' fathers took them back to the area and got every car owner out to hose off their cars, then they told their kids they would have to wash and wax each of the cars. They washed and waxed eleven cars over several days. After that, they never wanted to do any pranks. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Our local cops used to give kids doing silly, stupid stuff a choice. Go downtown under arrest and have your parents come down or he'd take you home and you'd have to tell your parents what you did and let them settle the issue with you and the neighbors.

I've seen cops use their nightsticks to "prod" a kid's jacket pockets when he thought they had eggs (and he was right). That takes care of a few things right there, especially if he detains the kid for about 15 minutes while it soaks into his clothes. Cops caught us toilet papering a house early one morning (and we'd done quite a job). A friend and I quickly told him it was because a cute girl lived there and we'd both volunteer to help her clean it up (wink-wink). He just chuckled and let it go.
Fortunately, I was more entertained by good, clean entertainment.

We would go explore the dirt hills looking for places to hide and (god forbid), we played cops & robbers. We would take our RC cars or bikes and drive them in the dirt.

Another thing we would do is go around the neighborhood raking leaves for the elderly folks in the neighborhood during the fall. We loved using the bags of leaves to build forts in my mom's front yard or to build up one of our houses driveways or front yards as a haunted house. Or, we would play catch with a football or softball...sometimes we would play a big game of hide & seek, even as a teen. We would hide around the neighborhood, spanning a few blocks and every kids' house. One poor soul would be deemed the 'finder' and have to find us. A few of us had some hound dogs we could use to track the scent. Dogs love tracking scents, even if they aren't really trained, they can still really succeed. It was fun. I remember taking my grandma's (who lives with my mom) Viszla and letting her sniff the bike seat of my searchee then she would track him.

But, I don't remember ever egging cars from a highway overpass or TPing a house or car. No tagging or spray painting crap. Generally, we just enjoyed having harmless fun.
Granted, the kid will never do it again, but that was Not Okay for cops to do that!

If anyone else told a 14-year-old boy to strip, they'd be charged as sexual predators!

Given that they asked him to strip in a secluded area, rather than as a part of a search while in "official" custody, I'm not entirely sure how they're exempt from this. Other than being cops, and thus possibly having the protection of the DA and their fellow cops.
What would have happened had a sexual predator happened upon the boy in his boxers out in the middle of nowhere?

Sounds like at a minimum child endangerment.
This does not surprise me at all. I actually had the misfortune of LIVING on Staten Island for a few years and the cops there are bad news. Now, I'm a law-abiding, God fearing type, my father and grandfather were police officers. I have total respect for law enforcement. But the chip on the shoulders of the Staten Island officers I have dealt with in the past could fill the Fresh Kills landfill three times over. 9 out of 10 are cocky, arrogant meatheads on a serious power trip.

Then again, that whole borough is screwed up, Port Richmond high school is like something out of Robocop, there is nothing for kids to do, and I feel sorry for anyone who has to grow up there.
The cops have to get fired today, prosecuted tomorrow. Two BUBBs, Badged Up Bully Boys, plain and simple. Best to get rid of them now before they do something like that to the wrong guy's kid and are dealt with summarily.
mom of 3 teens and have had run ins with small stuff and the law. never would i expect nor condone anyone else other then us as their parents to teach them any lessons needed, we got the phone call to come and deal with our family issues. i wounder if the officer has children and would be so happy if another adult was to "teach" them a thing or to. The worst is you teach your children to go to the cops if they ever need help is that ok anymore not so sure. P.S. grew up in an Irish Catholic NY neighborhood and have long list of law enforcement in the family no cop bashing here.

One finale question in the end i'm in for 5 that all ya hear from here is SUE SUE SUE this one is gonna be worth a bundle any takers?