Titan, essohbe-
I'm sure you've run into plenty of steel-jacketed ammunition, if you're shooting 7.62x39mm. Nearly all of the surplus stuff is not copper jacketed. It's a steel jacket with a copper wash.
If you're shooting Wolf (or some of the competing brands), you're also shooting copper-washed steel jackets. Hollow Point, Soft Point, FMJ... It doesn't matter. They're all using copper-washed steel.
During the mid, to late '90s, there was quite a bit of surplus pull-down ammunition that was reassembled with copper jacketed bullets. However, I have not seen any on the market in at least 10 years. ...And it suffered from terrible consistency, reliability, and accuracy. (But I still have some
Even my 1964 Klimovsk steel-core 7.62x39mm is using a steel jacket and copper wash.
Just because it
looks like pretty copper, doesn't mean it is. Grab a magnet.
There may be something available, but I don't know of a single, range-safe, recent-production, copper-jacketed load of ComBloc production.