copper-jacketed 7.62x39


New member
Can anyone recommend 7.62x39 ComBloc ammo that is not steel-jacketed? Steel-cased is okay, but jacket must be copper (range rules). I'm aware of the Yugo surplus, but want to avoid the corrosive stuff. New production is preferred. Thanks!
steel jacketed? i cant say that i have run into this problem with my mil-surp ammo. i have had to deal with steel core but all the ammo i have bought has been copper jacketed with lacquer coated steel case. as far as corosive goes, i dont bother worrying about it because i clean my guns every time i shoot them.
Steel jacketed? I've never found any either. If however you mean you have something like steel core norinco 7.62x39 I will happily buy it off you. :D
Titan, essohbe-
I'm sure you've run into plenty of steel-jacketed ammunition, if you're shooting 7.62x39mm. Nearly all of the surplus stuff is not copper jacketed. It's a steel jacket with a copper wash.

If you're shooting Wolf (or some of the competing brands), you're also shooting copper-washed steel jackets. Hollow Point, Soft Point, FMJ... It doesn't matter. They're all using copper-washed steel.

During the mid, to late '90s, there was quite a bit of surplus pull-down ammunition that was reassembled with copper jacketed bullets. However, I have not seen any on the market in at least 10 years. ...And it suffered from terrible consistency, reliability, and accuracy. (But I still have some :rolleyes:)

Even my 1964 Klimovsk steel-core 7.62x39mm is using a steel jacket and copper wash.

Just because it looks like pretty copper, doesn't mean it is. Grab a magnet.

There may be something available, but I don't know of a single, range-safe, recent-production, copper-jacketed load of ComBloc production.
There may be something available, but I don't know of a single, range-safe, recent-production, copper-jacketed load of ComBloc production.

Thanks. Yes, that seems to be the case. I came across Wolf Yellow Box (which is advertised to be copper jacketed, steel case) in my search, but it looks to be out of production.
Winchester White Box is non corrosive with brass, reloadable, casings and copper jacketed bullets.

Reloading 7.62x39 is one of the easier cartridges I have done. The case taper makes resizing nearly effortless.

Remington makes small primer cases which some indicate give a bit better accuracy than the large primer Winchester cases.

Have fun.
There is a ton of corrosive copper jacketed Yugo surplus ball ammo on the market right now. It is 100% non-magnetic. If you don't mind the hassle of cleaning procedures for corrosive ammo, it's cheap and range safe.

If you demand non corrosive, your only option is name brand US made.