Copper deposit in forcing cone


New member
After a shooting session last week I notice some copper deposited in three spots where the forcing cone meets the rifling on my .357. I've been trying everything under the sun to remove it with no luck. This happened because I was pushing some copper coated bullets way too hard and I'm assuming it stripped some of the copper off the coating. At this point I'm about to give up and bring it to a gunsmith to get it cleaned out, I'm assuming trying to shoot it out with some jacketed loads would not be wise and want to be on the safe side. I've used several of the copper cleaning type bore cleaners and tried chore boys several times with little to no effect. Am open to suggestions. Thanks.
Try a Lewis Lead Remover. See Brownells.

Or get a good copper cleaner.

Or forget about it since it doesn't sound like very much.
A good friend of mine also suggested the Lewis lead remover, not a bad tool to have on hand anyway. I may have to get one and give it a try, I've tried half a dozen Cu removers with little luck. Thanks, Les.
I was thinking of just running some moderate jacketed loads through to see if it clears out. I am pretty sure I've most likely already sent a few rounds through with no problem already, since I didn't notice it right away. I'll try the Lewis lead remover first once it gets here.