Cop vs AK47, Cop wins.

Wow, I really hope those guys spend the rest of their lives in prison. Kudos to the officer for sticking that out and staying with them while getting shot at like that. That defienntly took a solid pair to do, I know I would have backed off.
Technically speaking, should he have backed off and waited for backup? Or do you think he did the right thing and kept chasing them?
Cop vs. dirtbag with AK, cop wins

With all the talk about "toys" and "AD" vs. "ND" going on ... I get way more peeved about stuff like this thread’s title.

And what the heck .. cops are people. The job doesn’t make them special, their character does. From all indications, this was a man displaying great character by going beyond the call of duty associated with his job.
Guess I’m just grumpy today.
Just .02
should he have backed off and waited for backup? Or do you think he did the right thing and kept chasing them?

Those two might have been on the way to your house or mine next. If we sign up to do a job, we should do it.
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I think a NO FEAR bumper sticker would miss the point. The officer (Sergeant Angle or Engel, sounded like in the video) said the sounds of rifle fire coming his way were terrifying.

He felt fear; he acknowledged that he felt fear; he just kept right on going.

Bravery isn't a lack of fear. NO FEAR = foolishness. Bravery is doing the job even when scared silly.

The officer was brave, and did his job.

Meanwhile, I agree with animal, the title should be changed. It was a cop vs well-armed bad guys; it was not a cop vs a weapon.

To quote the old Texas Ranger, it was a man who knew he was in the right and kept on a'comin'.
Unadultered bravery indeed. Thanks for posting this story

And yes, animal, cops are people. Which makes Officer Angle's (sp?) action all the more noteworthy. This is a man doing the right thing in the face of seemingly overwhelming firepower.
that cop must have iron undies! and those thugs are a horrible shot - thankfully.

thats some lovely anti gun propaganda too

The officer here was not giving up for anything. If this teaches anything it is mindset. If he can continue to pursue and do that job then we can see our way out of a bad situation if we just have the correct mindset.

Good for him and good that no one got hurt.

Regards, Vermonter
Bravery isn't a lack of fear. NO FEAR = foolishness. Bravery is doing the job even when scared silly.

Precisely so. Well said, as always, MLeake. Courage isn't the absence of fear, it is doing your duty in spite of fear. I suspect Officer Angle had multiple times where he could have broken off this pursuit, and no one would have questioned that tactical decision. But he kept on.
Guess I worded that wrong.

I get way more peeved about stuff like this thread’s title.

Sorry I peeved some of ya'll. I didn't mean that AK47s were bad. I didn't mean that all AK47s should be banned. I didn't mean that the police officer had no fear. Seems you can't say anything any more without offending someone. My one and only point was that it was a great video, and that the officer was brave. Next time I will just post a video with no title, unless that would offend someone still. Let me word it again and see if this is any better...

Police officer with fear well managed vs alleged perpetrator that happens to be a lousy shot, with an excellent type of firearm. Police officer wins.

Is that better? I can word it again. Please let me know.

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I wonder how his hearing is after discharging his pistol in the confines of the car so many times.

That is dedication an an oathkeeper for sure.
Dude, sorry ! "peeved" ain’t anywhere near "torqued", and that ain’t anywhere near "p-oed ", and that ain’t anywhere near ... well, you get the idea.

"Cop vs. inanimate object" was the only thing I was getting at and how "antis" use it ... just a minor irritation, not even a wrinkle in my panties to pull a hair.
The comment about cops being people was just because I think that giving credit to him "because he was a cop" has a tendency to cheapen his actions as a man. I think we should give him full credit. If, however, he wants to correct us by giving credit to his dept., police in general, God, or anyone else ; that is his prerogative and we should honor it. We give him the credit, and then it's his to do with as he sees fit.

I didn't mean it as a serious flame-out, just bein picky.:)