Cop Killer Guns


New member
Tonight one of the Local News Programs presented a short editorial on a fatal shooting of a Police Officer in NYC last year. The gist of the story was that the gun used in the fatal shooting was wielded by a gang member who had purchased the gun from an individual who had bought it from a legal dealer in Georgia. To emphasize their point viewers were shown a wall in NYC police HQ with pictures of guns used in crimes that were traced to legal outlets in other states. The police commish had his say about the problem of out of state guns used in NYC, which has the strictest licensing laws in the world. The reporter did mention that it takes a citizen 6 months to be approved for a pistol permit but that guns can be purchased easily on the streets via the out of state gun runners.
The police were able to determine where the gun was purchased and even showed the dealer's store on the screen as well as the gang member who purchased the gun.
This seems to be a big problem in inner cities, gang members obtaining guns from legal sources through illegal interstate transport after the sale.
I feel that some way of stopping this illegal transport can be found, without trampling on the rights of legal owners and without the draconian measures obfuscated by groups such as HCI, if the federal and local authorities would only use some common sense and laws already on the books.
Anybody have any ideas?

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited March 11, 1999).]
This may not be what you are looking for, but here it goes:

There is a way of reducing the illegal gun-trafficing without trouncing any more rights of the citizens.

Revoke ALL laws that are contrary to the 2nd Amendment, make a felony a TRUE felony, let the punishment fit the crime and punish to the full extent of the law according to the crime committed with NO parole. No exceptions. Eventually the message will be recieved.

End of line...


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 11, 1999).]
Well, unless the guns were hijacked directly from the manufacturer...all guns ending up in criminal hands were "legal" at some point.
Then again I suppose there is a connection: drinking milk as a child leads to heavy drug use.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Basically ALL guns originate from legal sources (unlike drugs which can be illegal from the moment of conception) and, if the dealer in Georgia sold it to a resident of that state who was not legally prohibited from owning it, then that's legal.

Now, assuming it was a pistol, if that purchaser carried that gun to another state (New York) and sold, gave, or otherwise transferred that gun to ANYBODY, he committed a felony and IF he knew the person receiving the gun was not able to legally possess it, he committed another felony and the person who receiced the gun committed a felony when he took possession of it and another when he used it in a crime and probably a third if someone died as a result of that criminal activity...etc. How many damn felonies does it take to put a scumbag away in New York? Did they happen to mention what charges were filed against our poor misunderstood societal outcast (the gangbanger) or his supplier (especially his supplier!). If they don't charge or prosecute the supplier, he can go back to Georgia, pass a background check and get some more guns for his lucrative criminal enterprise. Is the control of the gun the problem or the lack of prosecution for the criminal?

This is like the lip service given Brady during the election - how many THOUSANDS of prevented felony purchases were claimed by Clinton but he never mentioned how many of these were prosecuted (I've heard THREE!!)

When are these armpits of society (big inner cities with BIGGER crime problems) going to realize that the honest citizens (future victims) are the only ones that obey the law? By disarming the citizens they create a target rich environment for criminals AND an illegal demand for the chosen tools of their trade while taking away the ability of the victims to protect themselves. They breed these scumbags like rats!

NO gangbanger ever bought a gun in PRISON! And NO killer that was executed EVER became a repeat offender.
Look at these previous entries! Who says there is nobody honest who could run for public office! Humbug!

I'd vote for these three.
I get into frequent 'discussions' over gun control. I would steer the discussion to the fact that Washington, D.C. had the highest per capita homicide rate in the U.S. and they would always spout off how it was because the state of Virginia had such loose gun control laws. Oh really? If the availability of the guns is the problem, then why isn't the murder rate in Va. higher than in D.C.? The dumbfounded looks are priceless.
Maybe Wash D.C. has the highest murder rate because it has the highest concentration of politicians. Ya think? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
VA went to one gun/month several years ago, largely due to yammering from DC. Nothing really changed, except that a lot of us are inconveienced when we go to purchase a gun. I live in Fairfax County, which also has a 3 day waiting (cooling off?) period, which is a further inconveniece. It's also stupid, since once you get past your first purchase and IF you're of the mind to pop someone, you've obviously got the means - The sillyassed waiting period is meaningless, unless you eally are a 'straw' purchaser, turning them over as fast as you get them. OTOH, it just isn't that hard to trace a gun and find the purchaser, is it (I heard they traced John Hinckley's in 8 hrs.)? If a given dealer has a lot of questionable transactions, with today's computer technology, how hard is it to spot? I second teh question about how many prosecutions have resulted from the 77,000 denied purchases resulting from Brady background checks????

DC, I don't kow what to say about all the politicians in DC, except that they're easier to watch when they're all in one place, and unfortunately, none of them are being shot.

At the risk of sounding callous, if it's scumbags shooting scumbags, who cares, but unfortunately, the idiots can't shoot straight and the overspray hits bystanders (some of whom may be 'innocent').

The new mayor seems to be making a pretty good effort to turn things around, and if he can get Congress' thumb out of his backside he may have a chance. Mayor Barely and the Mau Mau's did a great job at ingraining indolence and a welfare mentatily though, so it'll likely take a while.

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited March 12, 1999).]
Sez Mike:
they're easier to watch when they're all in one place

Well, hell, that's what grenades are for ;)

(note to BATF lurkers: I'm joking. Really.)

Bullets and primers and hot brass a-flying;
Goblins in my house all screaming and crying;
Nineteen-elevens and scope-mounting rings;
These are a few of my favorite things...
A legal way to halt this that violates no constitutional rights? Simple. New York can arm its law abiding citizens, change its laws on self defense and watch its population of gangbangers and other predators precipitously decline.

They passed laws that favor turn the law abiding into prey and protect human predators. They got what they legislated and now are trying to change laws in other states to avoid acknowledging their stupid mistake.

I have no sympathy for the NY supporters for these idiotic policies and laws. My sympathy is reserved for people forced to be prey.