Coonan is in trouble (2018 version)


New member
If you run some searches on TFL's fantastic search engine you will find that I've written dozens of posts on Coonan .357 discussion threads, I even started a thread specific to handloading for this pistol. I've been a genuine Coonan .357 fan since October 2011 when my buddy finally took delivery of the one I recommended he order, and more so when I got my hands on my own Coonan in January of 2012. Since that time I've helped five other guys track down Coonan .357's and I've shot the heck out of mine and had an absolute blast with it.

However, something at Coonan went off the rails at some point in the spring/summer and/or fall of 2018 and news is scarce at best, mostly discussion and rumors scattered across the internet. Coonan's website has a message posted in November 2018 asking folks to be patient while they work out "changes" and while the message is cryptic and non-specific, reports from anyone with pending orders are quite simply that Coonan has answered NOTHING since maybe October.

Me?! I feel beyond let down, because my experience with a half dozen (modern) Coonan Classic .357's has been fantastic and I've extolled their virtues.

I hope that this discussion can be the place where anyone on TFL can comment, especially if they can find any news (or even convincing opinion or report) that is more up to date than October or November, 2018.
Yes Ive been wondering whats going on as well.
There are many manufactures of similarly priced pistols, yet Coonan has always beat them in term of quality. They started branching out from the core 357 into other calibers, Ive been wondering if that was an attempt to save a sinking ship....or if thats what may be sinking them.
Coonan has been a disaster since the days Dan Coonan started the company. I owned two of his guns and although they both shot and functioned well, they had problems. Myself and several other people sent them back for problems and didn't get them back for over a year while he sorted out family problems. The name was sold and the "new" Coonan seemed to be jinxed by the name. Good reason to not buy from companies using / trading on older names.
I walked into a gun shop I rarely visit last Friday and they had a new Coonan Classic in the case, at the price I used to commonly see them on gunbroker . My wife, who was also present, approved the purchase for my birthday, "For the next 8 years." 7 - 8 minutes later we walked out with the Coonan under my arm (great to live in a free state) and she had a stack of cardboard tombstone targets she had the dealer throw in on the deal. Best wife ever, only took me two tries. Range time tomorrow.
I was at Ashman's gun jamboree end of August and Coonan had a booth there. I got to fire a Classic and a compensated model. Fell in love. The rep said they sell every 357 they make. I notice there are no 357's on gunbroker now, just a couple 45's. There was a bunch on there a month ago. I am a blessed man. Ka-boom!
Well, the link to their store goes to a viagra store.....I hope that is short term, until they get back on their feet:D

Seriously though, an unmaintained website is bad news...I do hope they figure things out as it is a bucket list gun for me...
Click the store link at the top of the page, it goes to their store, but, yes, if you click the store link at the bottom, it does go to a Viagra mail order site.
Bumping this thread as it goes along with the recent thread about discussing Coonan pistols.

I'm so conflicted that it isn't funny, I love my gun and I've run it until my face aches from grinning, but I cannot stand any outfit that is apparently making no effort to contact or receive contact from folks with active PAID orders.

If you want to read what I love about Coonan, search my old posts. If you want to know what I think going forward... have Coonan change the stupid, cryptic message on their site (when the site actually loads) and show even a half breath of life.
Not much to update except that the phone lines which had been disconnected appear to be back in service to an answering machine stating that they are restructuring and "will be available soon."

There is of course zero reason to believe this, but I'm sharing what has been reported.

I've always been the type that has emotion intertwined with my favorite guns. This will be at least the second time that Dan Coonan has proven he should chain himself inside the shop and stick to what he's good at and that he is toxic to the running of a business.

Going forward, I love these damn pistols so much that I want to see this back up and running AGAIN, but it kind of seems like there should be an insert to the owner's manual that lets the buyer know clearly that the manufacturer of his pistol is headed for "face down in the gutter FAILURE" no matter how good the pistol is. Some kind of informational leaflet that shares the idea that the gun may never disappoint but the gunmaker is guaranteed to do precisely that.
When I re-read what I wrote, it seems harsh. As if there were some chance that if Dan Coonan were to read it, would I still be happy that I posted it? That I threw direct insults at a guy whom I've held in such high regard for such a long time?

Well, as a gun designer and gun maker, I still do marvel at him, the history of his guns and his work. But with so many people swinging in the wind with their MONEY GONE and not a single solitary soul returning any form of communication... yeah. I'm comfortable with what I said.

I'd tell him directly but all evidence suggests that he is in the witness protection program and ceases to exist in his known form.
It would hurt if the company went under. I enjoy shooting my Classic and had great customer service from them when I needed it (the infamous slide crack). What makes it more painful is that I bought it to reduce the wear and tear on my .357 AMP.
Since when did Coonan make a .357 AMP???

Or do you mean you bought a Coonan to reduce wear on your .357 AMP?

I'm confused, sorry..

There seems to be some kind of curse on the makers of magnum class semi auto pistols. The only one who seems to have avoided it is Desert Eagle.

Auto Mag, Coonan, LAR Grizzly and Wildey made good guns but bad gun companies. Though I understand that LAR dropped the Grizzly to focus on other products, unlike the others were the company itself went belly up.

Sometimes, more than once!