Cool Weather!


New member
I finally got to start enjoying retirement back in May. The weather has been so hot casting would have been miserable. It has finally cooled some here in the deep south. We’re having highs in the low 70s. I have a new RCBS pot, well, I’ve had it for about 4 years but not used it, and a couple of new molds for the 327 Single Sevens I am anxious work with.

Looking forward to days of casting and shooting. Life is good.
I can relate ... all my casting and most reloading is done in a un-conditioned out building
... I'm in Baton Rouge , Louisiana .
Can't do much out there ... when the Miserable's ... are upon us .
Along with the Heat and Humidity you also got the Hurricanes ...
I'll be glad when all this is done and I can get back out there and do some casting ...
need some bullets !
I can relate ... all my casting and most reloading is done in a un-conditioned out building
... I'm in Baton Rouge , Louisiana .
Can't do much out there ... when the Miserable's ... are upon us .
Along with the Heat and Humidity you also got the Hurricanes ...
I'll be glad when all this is done and I can get back out there and do some casting ...
need some bullets !
I also cast in an unconditioned out building. When it’s 100 degrees with near 100% humidity it’s just not worth trying to cast. Sweat dripping off the end of your nose into the pot can get interesting real quick.
I had to move everything to a car port at my mother in laws house. That's not so bad considering it is a wide carport and Mom In Law built me an enclosed air conditioned reloading room! That lady is a saint...but, I can't cast during our hot months, which are FINALLY drawing to a close, so I feel, ya man, it's almost casting time!
Had a couple of nights in the low 30’s with highs in the 50’s. Today I fired up the pot, put in a couple of ingots and played with the temp to get it where I like it and made sure all was working right.
Tomorrow evening I’m going to break out a new RCBS 90RN for the 327s. The RCBS 98SWC is too long to crimp in the crimp groove for the Single Sevens and those are my favorite reevolver. Hope this new mold works out good
Tried the new 32 mold a few days back. Got a few loaded with Trail Boss, Unique and AA9. The TB loads are excellent plinking loads. Accuracy is better than acceptable and recoil is nonexistent. The Unique loads will be my go to loads for “squirrels and sech”. I see no reason to pursue the AA9 loads and this 90grn bullet any further.

While I had the pot going I cast a few 400grn for the 480 Ruger. This was my first time with anything so big. It took a whole different rhythm to keep the mold at temperature. Until this a 240grn 44 was the my biggest. Takes a lot of alloy for a bullet this big. I was thinking my lead stash was enough to get me outta here but those 400’s will cut into it.
I poured up some 405gr slugs for a 45-70 and feel your pain. Didn't take long to see the pot level drop to half. I MUCH prefer the 125'ish stuff I pour for the 9's.

On a side note, a couple years back now, my daughter moved out to Maryland and we would fly the three grandsons back for the summer school vacation. I poured up a bunch of different stuff to let them plink with. The oldest ended up staying and has since pulled out enough ziplock bags of poured, coated, and sized that I'm probably good for a long while. ;)