Cook County (Illinois) Planning a Massive New Gun Control Scheme


New member
I've got bad news if you live in Cook County.

Your right to keep and bear arms is about to be severely restricted again.

Anti-gun politicians are going after firearm dealers in the hopes of disarming more law-abiding citizens. They believe if they make it more difficult, if not impossible, to sell guns to honest citizens, then honest citizens will end up disarmed as the supply of firearms is choked off.

To buy a gun:

you'll pay a new $50 per gun tax
you'll fill out new and redundant paperwork
you'll be fingerprinted
you'll have to turn over your medical records and surrender your privacy
you'll have to pay for a dangerous gun-locking device

(As many already know, criminals want your safety locked up so that when they break in to your home you won't have a firearm available to defend yourself or your family.)

Cook County also wants to limit and ration your gun rights to "one gun a month" as they tax you $50 for the privilege of enduring their intrusive government investigation of your private medical history and personal life. This limit applies to any type of firearm, not just handguns.

The Finance Committee and the Law Enforcement Committee of the Cook County Board of Commissioners have scheduled joint hearings to discuss "Communications Numbers 229244 and 229245." These measures are amendments to the so-called "The Cook County Firearms Dealer's
License and Assault Weapons Ban Ordinance." You can review the specifics of these new anti-gun proposals at on the Cook County website.

This alert lists the Commissioners with their contact information. Also included is a list of Public Hearing Dates.

Please contact your Commissioners to oppose this anti-gun scheme. Call to get a place to speak at one of the two remaining hearings.
Better yet, get your family and friends to write, call and fax their opposition to more pro-criminal/anti-gun legislation.
This is crap. Who are these people who voted this in? Name names....let's get it out on the Net. These liberal federalists want one all encompassing gov't...ok give it to them...a local vote goes national and we keep records. Who are they?

I'm serious...we start keeping records. They all have ambitions.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hmmm, It used to be that even tho Chicago was run by liberals, the County was conservative... I guess that changed about the time I left the area. This is a shame. Shame on the county board for this action. Shame on the county populace for election these people to the board. (I can say this, as I have a personal connection with the Cook County board in the past)

AS far as I'm concerned we need to do like the Pace picante sauce add sez ... "Get a Rope"

I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - RKBA!
Cook County Commissioners

Cook County Board President John Stroger

Earlean Collins, 1st District
Bobbie Steele, 2nd District
Jerry "Iceman" Butler, 3rd District
John Stroger, 4th District
Deborah Sims, 5th District
William "Bill" Moran, 6th District
Joseph Mario Moreno, 7th District
Roberto Maldonado. 8th District
Peter N. Silvestri, 9th District
Mike Quigley, 10th District
John P. Daley, 11th District
Ted Lechowicz, 12th District
Calvin Sutker, 13th District
Gregg Goslin, 14th District
Carl R. Hansen, 15th District
Allan C. Carr, 16th District
Herbert Schumann, Jr., 17th District

Other Countywide Elected Officials

Joseph Berrios, Commissioner Board of Review
Robert Shaw, Commissioner Board of Review
Maureen Murphy, Commissioner Board of Review
David Orr, Clerk
Aurelia Pucinski, Clerk of the Circuit Court
Eugene Moore, Recorder of Deed
Michael Sheahan, Sheriff
Maria Pappas, Treasurer
James M. Houlihan, Assessor
Richard Devine, State's Attorney

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I don't live in Cook County but this scares me to death anyway because the way I brain it, all their moronic schemes get passed on to the rest of IL sooner or later anyway.

Anyway, this makes me wonder about the advisability of simply driving to Chicago, walking into a gunstore, and putting cash on the counter for a gun at random (I have a FOID card, though I hate the damn thing.) What would happen if I then simply refused to pay the tax, refused to be fingerprinted, and called the cops to arrest me? I wonder what the penalty is and how the conviction would affect a career in education, if I was convicted. It seems like a slam-dunk appeal, especially with NRA or IRA backing, but that's from the point of view of someone who knows what the words "people," "right," and "infringed" mean. Just a thought.

P.S. What if 20, 30, 50 or a hundred people did the same? (while singing " . . . you can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant . . ." It would be a movement!)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron