Converting an M53/MG-42 to .308?


New member
Hi there,

I do own an NFA weapon, but unfortunately when it came to shopping for a belt fed weapon the full autos were out of my price range! Anyway, I ended up with a Wiselite M53 semi-auto instead.

I'd like to convert to .308 from 8mm and have a few questions. I thought I'd have some luck in this section of the boards...

Some people are reporting that a barrel change is all that's necessary to feed .308 with possibly a new .308 booster. Has anyone tried this?

I'd like to stick to the non-disintegration links, since I reuse them. I know that the newer top covers allow the use of disintegrating belts, which I have no intention of using. If that's the case, can I simply reuse the same top cover?

What about the feed tray? Has anyone tried an 8mm feed tray for 7.62 rounds? I know that newer drums are designed attach to the newer feed trays, but I really don't need this capability, either.

Thanks a lot for any help!