Convert 1911 FULL SIZE TO COMMANDER LENGTH or Commander to full length


New member
This may be a stupid questi0n, but can I just buy a commander slide and fit it to my full size 1911? Or is there something else that I am missing. Oh, when I mean side, I mean a complete slide, (slide, barrel,barrel bushing, and guide rod and spring). So if it can be done, has anyone done it? What kind of results and possibly unfore seen cost? Slide fitting by a GS of course but anything else? Wheels are turning in my head and just need to be slowed down with thoughts about this idea. Yes I asuume parts would be about $400-$500 plus work, but than I end up with a full size and a commander for half the price of buying a new one. Could you go shorter than commander with a full size frame?? Thoughts please.
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can I just buy a commander slide and fit it to my full size 1911? Or is there something else that I am missing.
It can be done, but it requires some work. Definitely not a field strip then reassemble with the shorter slide/barrel assembly. Commander slides are shorter, including the rails. 1911A1 frames are longer. You have to make them fit, you can't just throw them at each other.
Not hard as long as you are going with the same caliber. But give serious consideration as to whether the conversion will be permanent or if you want to swap slides back and forth. Some changes, like cutting down the dust cover, will be premanent.


Please listen to what mr. Keenan & mr. Scorch are telling you. The expense & possible trouble later on, is not worth the effort---don't do it !!!!!!!!!

Leave your gm 1911 as is & enjoy shooting it. Purchase a commander size model from let's say "rock island armory". The "ria commander" is easily within the $$$$ range you specified & is of high quality. Now you will have two 1911 variations to enjoy at your will.

Add a .22lr conversion kit on the gm model-----now that will work with no sweat !!!!!

Keenan, scorch, & guru1911 are in total agreement, as we three typically are most of the time, when we responding to other members questions on the "smithy" section of this forum.

To be clear, this is a mental excercise for me. I know that there are differneces in each pistol, but to what extent, I was not sure. I think about things alot and ask questions regarding my thoughts. This does not mean that I am willing to modify something to make it something else. My thought is a full length 1911 converting to a commander length and back. Apprently this is not feasibly without permanent modification of the base frame, making it unuseable as a full size after the mods. Really, I get it. This is just a out of the box thinking thing I do when I am bored. But isn't this how many of those wonderful creations we awe at get started? A tweak here and maybe here and it could be done. Again, this is a test, this is only a test of the power of thought. :D

But I welcome all input, as this is how we learn and expand our knowledge on any subject to put to question. And I always vlaue the knowledge of those who have more experience than I.

Thanks for all the input.
So now if we start with a commander frame, would a full length slide fit on that? Or would the slide have a gap at the dust cover? Again just thinking. It doesn't cost me a dime to visualize and see how to solve this problem if it could be done. I almost bet it could somehow be done, but it would be a one off. At the very least both slides would have to be fitted to the frame and they most likely could not be able to be interchanged with normal pistols. See, I thing in strange ways. ;)

So could this be done on a hypothetical level? What do you all say. Please don't just say no, but is there a solution? There always is, whether practical or not.