Conversion of Russian Nagant Revolver to 7.62x25mm


New member
If anyone has had this conversion done or knows a gunsmith that will do it please let me know the names, phone numbers, web site, ect. I have searched the site and knbow it has been done by at least a couple of members but need the particulars. Thanks in advance.
JBP, There is a fellow I believe in Mo. that advertises from time to time in Shotgun News. You send him the whole gun and he replaces the cylinder + ?. I've thought about sending mine in but when I'm in the mood I can never find the ad. I'll look today.

I've considered this conversion myself as I'm a big 7.62x25mm fan and would like to try it in a revolver. As mentioned there's a guy in Shotgun news that has advertised it but I've heard questions about the safety of the practice. 7.62x25 is considerably higher pressure than 7.62 Nagant. General rule of thumb I've heard for safe conversions is either .32 S&W Long or .32ACP.

I'll try and see if I still have the guys contact infor from SGN though and you can give him a call if you want. maybe e-mail me and remind me if you want it.
The few gunsmiths that I have contacted won't touch the conversion with a ten foot pole due to the higher pressure of the 762x25mm. I have ordered the 32 ACP cylinder for one of my Nagants. I understand that 32 S&W long can be used but there probably will be some case bulging. If all else fails I will try and find the cheapest Nagant ammo I can. The price is comparable to what I pay for 375 Winchester for my Contender so I guess I just won't be doing much plinking with it.
Hi, guys,

If you are talking conversion of the old cylinder, the problem would not be only a matter of pressure. The 7.62 x 25 is enough bigger at the base that the web between the chambers would be reduced significantly. Also, the Nagant chamber is bigger at the front end than the auto pistol cartridge needs (the chamber will easily swallow the whole neck of the case), so there would be a lot of case swelling and bullet upset in the cylinder, not a good combination.

Use of a cartridge like the .32 S&W Long in a new cylinder, while it won't take advantage of the Nagant barrel-cylinder seal, will at least not present these problems.
