Contrails: Menace from our skys


New member
I am taking excerpts from the July26 issue of the Spotlight Newpaper: " The US government agencies seem to be ignoring the concerns of Americans who are aware of mysterious trails of condensation coming from aircraf around the country. The "Spotlight" has received scores of reports from citizens who say they are being ignored. Some writers refer to the conTrails as "chemtrails" since residue from the aircraft has reportedly reached the ground in several states. The residue appears as either "spider web type material as in eastern Oklahoma ,or gobs of browncolored goo in Washington State. In addition,various areas of the country are reporting strange illnesses. Many of those afflited claim they are getting sick as a result of these"chemtrails" Most claim to have respiratory problems,nausea and joint pain. Many doctors,apparently unable to pin down the cause of the illness, are dismissing it as"some soert of virus". The contrails are longer than those usually left by the vapor-caused trails produced by high flying aircraft.INSTEAD OF QUICKLY DISSAPATING LIKE NORMAL CONTRAILS(ITALIQUES MINE), they spread out gradually,forming a lace-like type pattern that eventually makes them almost indistinguishable from the clouds. Regular contrails appear to begin a short distance from the engines of an aircraft,whereas these seem to be coming directly out of the plane,leading to suspicions among some that something is being sprayed overhead. A Santa Fe based citizens group,Skywatchers, has been formed to try to find answers to the contrail mystery
.Skywatchers email address is Clifford Carnicom has been trying to identify the aircraft leaving the contrails with high powered photography,maintains his own web site at Carnicom told "Spotlight" that hits to his site have reached 500 every week. Some of the visitors are Nasa, ther Air Force and Army,EPa, and chemical companies." I ,Ivan, have seen these contrails many times, sometimes 6or 7 will be in the sky at one time. These chemtrails will leave what can only be described as clouds in the sky. They sure arent regular contrails that disappear. People on the shortwave talk about them often,but your Connie Scum and Dan Blather wont touch this subject. One theory is that the military changed their jet fuel recently to a type that is toxic or poisoneous. I called my Congressman, a so called conservative, about the contrails. His office said they had been gettin reports form the Westminster,MD. area,but no where else.Of coarse, your politicians will not touch this subject. Waht do you all think and who else in this forum has seen these strange ,long lasting contrails? The military is definetly involved but to what purpose?
I have heard about this story on Art Bell for the past 6 months or so. I have yet to see contrails of the nature that are described. Many other people have seen them and claim the illness that are described above. Though I wonder how many were exposed to a virus through other means, and how much of this is paranoia spread by Alex Jones and his listeners.
I'm sorry, but this one's just silly. Contrails are water and unburned fuel, crystalized into reflective ice. Given the nature of the atmosphere at the altitudes that contrails form, this would prove an extremely poor delivery system for chemical or biological agents. Also, one should note that the military has spent a good deal of time and money developing fuel additives and operational doctrines to avoid "conning", especially with the "black" aircraft, like the SR-71 and U-2. If such a delivery was desirable (which it isn't), a high altitude agent release could be accomplished without tell-tale evidence.

On the other hand, materials could be easily used as part of "routine" crop dusting or mosquito control flights (not that this stuff isn't toxic enough already). Even densely populated urban sites have been sprayed in "necessary efforts" against pests such as the Mediterranean fruit fly. Not to mention U.S. BC efforts such as "Ranch Hand" in Vietnam.
I live right next to an Air Force base, have never seen any of these "chemtrails". Actually I rarly see contrails of any kind.
Most of a contral comes from planes passage through the air slamming the moisture from humididy into actual vapor that freezes in the cold high altitudes. Chemicals present in that vapor would be frozen as well...

But dont take mu word for it - I was just a "Grunt."

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Oh my god.

I knew it would happen, someday. We're all gonna die, except for the 144,000 with the brands in their heads- I mean the Jewish virgins- I mean the Jehovah's witnesses...durn. I forgot who's supposed to live after this point. Oh, well. Guess I'll just leave it in God's hands, 'cuz if I have to spend all my time watching the sky, I'll do nothing useful with whatever time I have been entrusted with, anyway.
I too have heard/read about this. First reaction was.............hahahahaha. Yeah right, you have to be kidding. Now I'm not so sure. Why you might ask? Because of the research I have done over the last 12 months or so, I'm not surprised about the things I read/hear.

So for me, it's not about if this real or not. It's that I'm just not surprised anymore when it comes to what the FED is capable of.

That, is the saddest part of all.


[This message has been edited by DrJon (edited August 04, 1999).]

Yo, Ivan,

We're all concerned about trends of the government to deprive us of our rights. Specifically, our 2nd Ammendment rights.
Some might even go so far as to label such a trend toward removing more and more of our rights as a "conspiracy." This would not be incorrect, though most of the people involved in depriving us of our rights honestly don't even think about the big picture.


Contrails have lasted for hours for my entire lifetime. I'm 27, and I remember watching contrails billow into nice, lacy long clouds when I was playing soccer as a 5-year-old, and they would be there in the sky at the end of a game while the plane had passed at the beginning.

I have yet to have met one person who has found this lattice of brown goo raining from the sky.

The entire world is not a conspiracy.

Everyone who brings up a new piece of "The Conspiracy" is not right, nor even necessarily lucid. Not everyone who scoffs vocally at "The Conspiracy" is a Co-Conspirator. ("You're one of them, aren't you!?!")

This is not gun related.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 04, 1999).]
I'll second Long Path's observation.

Contrails are just a metorlogical side-effect of jet airplane exhaust very high under common conditions. I see them perhaps 20% of the time I look at the sky. Perhaps they're less common at lower lattitudes where higher air is warmer and less likely to form & maintain ice crystals.

People who think contrails are a conspiracy haven't been paying attention to reality. It's like the nuts who see conspiracies in "the strange weather we've been having": such nonsense, a brief look at weather history shows that there's nothing strange about it.
I guess one of you guys is going to have to see these contrails and how they dont behave like normal contrails(form clouds that sometimes disperse odd substances to the ground) Oh well, considering all the other crap the Feds have fostered on the military and civilians from atomic clouds over ST george Utah(They made sure tests were done when wind blew towards Utah not Los Vegas), Agent orange in Nam, Lsd turned loose in colleges by Cia, Mk ultra expperiments,and Gulf war sicknesses, I gues the masses can live with a little more crap in the air.By the way dont trash me over the atomic tests in Nevada where the Us would only test when the winds blew over Utah. The American Legion magazine a few years ago covered this subject and proved how the government made sure the loyal, patriotic people of St George Utah got the full benefits of raDIATION. Feds didnt want the big city of Las Vegas to get the radiation. Let those Mormons get cancer! And that is what happened. I may be ranting but damn the arrogant "governmink" Even the Legion members are dumbed down because I dont remember much outrage over these atomic tests and how they were conducted.
Went to the site.

Saw the pictures.

Saw the closeups.


This guy's a feeb. I can find dozens of pictures of contrails forming off of B-29's in the mid to late '40's that look like that.

They get better at higher altitudes, with more heat output.