Continuing Saga


New member
Hi guys! Well, I made the deal. I am now the proud owner of the J-22. I know, I know, a lot of you advised me against it. But somtimes you just have to go with that "gut feeling" kind of thing. And thanks to all of you who made me better(?) deals on other guns. I just liked the looks & fell of that little rascal too much. And I feel a sence of loyalty to my dealer also. He's such a great guy!
I made it out to the woods today to try out my little jewel and I must say I'm just a little disapointed with it's performance. I had a box of 50 CCI Stingers and it must have taken about 4 hrs. to use them up. I had several malfunctions. FTF, fail to eject, fail to go into battery, you name it, I had it! And the JB WELD fix on the firing pin didn't hold up either. I tried the SUPER GLUE and it's holding so far. AS I was in too big of a hurry to get to the woods, I neglected to bring along any cleaning equipment or lubricant.(my fault) I rumaged around in my truck and the only thing I could find was some engine starting fluid. Thinking this was a lot better than nothing, I gave that J-22 a liberal(I hate that word!)spraying of the stuff. The next time I pulled the trigger, that little sucker almost exploded. It did catch on fire, but I got it out ok. I mean it didn't seem to hurt the gun at all, didn't melt down or anything. An it didn't shoot any WORSE after all that. Outside of some 2nd degree burns on my hand and arm, no harm done.
I took my gun back to my dealer to see if he could help me with all my problems. I thought, maybe it's me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. He's realy good at trouble shooting problems and tech. stuff. And his advice is usually free, especially to his good customers like me.
When I pulled into his driveway, I noticed a new Lincoln SUV and one of them big,fancy bus type motorhome RVs in the back. I went inside and ask him if he had won the lottery or what. He just winked at me and said something about business being really good lately. I didn't see that German piece of crap that I had traded in for the J-22 in his showcase and I was surprised that he'd sold it already. He said that he wouldn't put something that bad in his showcase for display. It would look bad for him if his customers saw it and thought he was selling shoddy merchandise. And you know how people talk. Pretty soon word would get around and before you knew it, he'd be out of business. He said that he had threw it in a box along with some other junk guns, parts, etc. and sold it to a guy thats into that kind of thing. Said he was glad too. Thought he was going to be stuck with it.

Look for my next post on what happens next! :)

Proud,dues paying,member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"
"The next time I pulled the trigger, that little sucker almost exploded."

HAHAHAHA!! damn dude!! Glad you're ok! heh heh.. sounds like the time me and my friend tried to fix my garage door opener... "POOF!!"

hehehehe... damn... wish I coulda seen that... bet it looked neat.. although I bet it scared the crap outta ya.

-Frank the Spank

[This message has been edited by Frank the Spank (edited December 07, 1999).]
Frank! Why you tellin people about that man? How was I supposed to know that you shouldn't use a little wire tester in a great big light socket... it SEEMED like a good idea! Geez, you try and help a guy fix his garage door.. look what happens!

Oh yeah, this is supposed to be about guns... Well, as for your gun Topkick, I could only hope that the little gun needs to be broken in a bit. It's horrible what happened (although I did get a chuckle out of the story) I think maybe the gun YOU GOT was the one your dealer was lucky to get rid of. What was the gun you traded? Oh well, best of luck...
p.s. What in the WORLD were you doin shootin a gun after using that potent of a cleaner on it without lubricating first? Me personally, I like to SOAK the darn gun in oil after using somethin like GunScrubber(exaggeration).

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
Sounds like that lil piece just needs a lil percussive maintenence..

See if you have a ball peen hammer in your tool box...


OK, now you know that starter fluid is almost pure ether and that ether is very highly flammable.

You also know why people advised against buying the Jennings.

We live and learn.

There sure is a lot(?)of people here who are taking my posts WAY too serious! See my earlier ones to get filled in on "The Rest Of The Story". More Later :)...........TOPKICK