Continuing Saga Part III


New member
Sorry this is so late guys. I know you are all sitting on the edge of your seats to hear about my further exploits with my Jennings J-22. I've been busy in the woods with it, putting all the advice I recieved from my dealer to good use.
OK, So my dealer says that all of the problems I have been encountering with the J-22 isn't nesc. my fault, nor the guns fault. All guns of the high quality variety of the J-22 and others need a "breaking in" period. He suggested at least 1000-2000 rnds through it would surely be enough to get most of the "kinks" out of it. Just be patient he said.
He then went on to say that my choice of ammo was a poor one. The CCI's just aren't good enough to to perform reliably in as good as a firearm as the J-22. He said that the CCI's might perform exceptionaly well in other, less quality guns. Just not the J-22. He suggested I try some Czech made "match" grade 22's to get a more reliable way of breaking in the little pistol. And wouldn't you know it. He had some right there in stock! He said that they usually sold for $40 per 1000, but since I was such a good customer, he'd give me a $10 discount on them. See, I keep telling you what a great guy he is! I bought 2 bricks of the ammo. What a deal! 2000 rnds of match grade ammo for only $60! I just couldn't turn a deal like that down!
But after all this, I still had lingering doubts about the gun itself. After all the trouble I had with it, maybe there was something wrong with it mech. Should we send it back to the factory for a complete inspection/repair? My dealer said that since I had caught it on fire, any warrenty would be void. And it would be too costly to send in for repairs anyway. He said that he could almost sell me a brand new J-22 for what it would cost to go through all that hassle. All of this advise! And for free! I tell you, if there is another gun dealer in this entire world as good as he is, I will eat that J-22!

Watch for more on "TOPKICKS" posts and the continuing saga of the J-22 :)

Proud,dues paying,member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"
Hehehe! Right up there with RikWriter's Gold Match K!M3ER. It's almost broken in, too! ;)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785