contender stocks

Well, why not ??

The G2 frames are more robust and among other changes, were made to accomodate the larger calibers. For that reason, the furniture is different. Now then, the G2's will accept the Contender barrels. The exception would be the armory alloy but you should not run into any of these and if you ever do, they really stand out. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Careful!! No the G2 Contender is not rated for any stronger cartridges. It may be a slight bit stronger, but they still can't handle the big stuff. For that get an Encore.

As for stocks, the grip or buttstock on the G2 is different from the original. Forearms are fitted to the barrels. Most of the new forearms will fit the older barrels, if they are the same length and configuration.
Not a problem !!

Careful!! No the G2 Contender is not rated for any stronger cartridges.
The newer G2's are rated for "their" issued barrels as well as the older Contenders barrels. You cannot fit the larger caliber Encore barrels into any Contenders. The G2 frames were designed for the upper end calilbers of the older Contenders. Some of older Contender frames were getting hammered pretty good. As an example, I have a .44mag barrel that came on an older contender. I would be smart to use this on one of my newer G2's. However, I have a .22LR and .22mag carbine barrel, on a Contnder frame with beautiful wood, that is a thing of beauty and will keep it so.

Be Safe !!!