Contender help

Bill DeShivs

New member
I have an early T/C Contender with a .22lr barrel and a Pachmayer grip.
The action will not open, nor will the sear catch the hammer.
Any hints?
Squeeze harder?? :rolleyes:

The old Contenders can be very, very STIFF. And what I mean by stiff is that some people lack the handstrength to open it, even when the gun is clean and in perfect mechanical condition.

Can't say about the gun you have, maybe its broken, maybe its just sat so long oil turned to glue, Rusted shut?? case rupture freezing the action??? Lots of things possible, can't make a good guess without more information, sorry.

First, verify its not loaded with a live round. Rod down the barrel CAREFULLY, measure and mark where it stops. Compare with barrel length and this will tell you if there's a bullet in there...

Remove the rubber furniture, and give it a few days soak in a good penetrating oil. Then see if you can open it....

FYI, the way the old Contenders work, once the hammer is off the sear (fired or lowered by hand) they will NOT reset until AFTER the action is opened. That's just the way they were made.

I have seen Contenders where it literally took both hands squeezine on the triggerguard to get them open. The pair I have are stiff, but not nearly that bad. I can do it one handed. My wife however, cannot....

When T/C replaced the Contender with the G2 Contender, they corrected the "flaws". The G2 opens easily and the hammer will reset on the sear without needing the action to have been opened.

Soak it for a while, then squeeze like hell, that MAY be all that's needed. If not, then tis gunsmith time....
Good Luck!
the locking lug(s) could be frozen in place. Might consider (after verifying empty chamber) placing end of barrel on hard surface as you push down to try and relieve the locking lug(s). I think the early models had the 1 pc lug.
Back when I was still masochistically shooting .30 Herrett in mine, the action sometimes required mechanical assistance to unlock. There was a dedicated soft jaw (duck taped leather) set of Channellocks in the range bag for that purpose. That frame now sports the factory compensated 45-70 barrel.
I've always been interested in the interchangeable barrel TC pistols but for a couple of reasons never got one. I'd really be interested in how this gets resolved.
The suggestions you've been given are pretty standard operating for a stiff Contender. If those fail, wander over to the 'Specialty Pistols' forum and go to the Break Action Pistols forum. There is a wealth of Contender info there. Check out Mike Bellm's site as well,, they specialize in Contenders, G-2's and Encores.
There is an 'easy open' mod for early Contenders. Right now, I'm not sure who is doing it.
Good Luck.
YES, it is; frozen or locked in place, like a door lockset

the locking lug(s) could be frozen in place.
Perhaps in reading between the lines, the likely problem is the locking lug is "stuck" mechanically. This is fairly common as the lug, on the barrel is not clearing the frame. The lug has a tapered profile and has to slip under the frame to lock. Barrels are do not have identical lugs, so jut trip the nose/end down to allow your barrel lug to slip under the frame. An example is the tapered bolt end on a door lockset. I have dun a number of these "trims"
without a problem. .... ;)

Now, if you are in the "latched" or locked positin and just can't get it to release, remove the forend and gently push the pin until the barrel lifts off. Then rework the nose. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
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