Contemplating a Commander


New member
Getting the urge to buy again. I already have a Springfield Mil Spec FS, and have always considered a commander to add to the mix. This piece will not be a carry gun but mostly for fun and "just because", so it doesn't really matter if it is a LW (light weight) or combat commander (i.e. all steel). HAS to be in good old .45, no 9s this time. Ideally I would like to spend no more than 850.00, so I know it will limit my possibilities a bit. What is most important to me are decent sights (novak style instead of mil-spec). This is definitely a short list of what I've considered so far:

a.) Ruger 6708 or 6720

This is the Commander Night Watchman in either all steel or lt. weight. I've been pricing them on GB and it looks like they can be had for less than 800.00 pretty readily. I really dig the black nitride finish on them, plus the night sights are a bonus, even if it will just sort of be a fun gun. I don't really care for the all stainless of the regular model commander, or the two tone of the regular lt. weight.

b.) Used Colt Combat Commander/Commander Lt. weight/old school series 70/80/1991

Pretty broad spectrum here regarding the Colts. I would have to be very patient and ready to jump if I want to get one of these to my spending limit. I know the old 70s and 80s might not have the Novak sights I was looking for, but they are classics and an old mantra that applies is "a Colt is a Colt." :D

One question regarding the bluing of the Colts. How durable is the bluing finish? I am not saying I will toss them in a dank basement or anything, but how susceptible are they to the elements? Just a light application of clp/remoil every now and then?

c.) Fusion Freedom Series Commander

I did some searching on Fusion, and there were problems quite some time ago, but no one has recently seemed to post experiences with complete firearms as of late. Seems like quality parts/kits have always been good though.

I am looking for something a little higher tier than the Rock Islands/ATIs, etc, but not saying I might not pick of those dudes up in the future either. Any other suggestions/comments?
Whichever one you go with- I'm quite certain you're going to love it. I have the ATI Commander- Man, I'm here to tell you what! That thing is a whole lot more pistol than what I paid for. For me, the balance is just so much better than the 5" models. I have a SA RO, and a couple of SA Mil-Specs, and that ATI is, for me, the better purchase.

I know "pointability" has been argued and hashed and bashed, and I don't want to open those old wounds again. But... I don't know where and how just 3/4" makes a difference, but it does in spades for me.

I had a SA Commander years ago. I really wanted to like it, I really did. But even after 800 or so break-in rounds, multiple magazines, different ammo, and 3 trips back for service- it never did show itself to be able to get through a clip without a ftf or fte. I'm not trying to sell you on the ATI, but just rambing on my experience and offering my opinion that you'll really dig a Commander size 1911. Have fun, good luck, and good shooting.

I'm with 10-96 on this one. Bang for the buck, hard to beat the ATI. I have to admit, I originally didn't like how it looked... it seemed to have something missing, like a person with a large body but with a proportionally small head. The word stubby comes to mind. But it works like a charm, it was cheaper than its competition, and it's look did sort of grow on my over time. Mine was pretty tight at first, and it took many cleanings/lubes and a good 2-300 rounds through it before it fed flawlessly, but I like shooting it almost as much as my standard 1911.


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Aguila you are correct... my mistake. It's ATI model GFX45TIB, and it has a 3 1/8 inch barrel. Always thought it was referred to as "commander". Thanks for pointing that out.
I too have an ATI (4.25") Commander and it is far, far more gun than anything else I have ever bought. In all honesty the first one had to go back because it hit low. The replacement has been a dream. Shoots as well as my buddy's SIG 1911 he paid over $1100 for.

I was looking for something more military-ish finish wise and the ATI was it. Also, I wanted something I could do some mods to and not be upset if I screwed something up.

Cost me $366 shipped from Bud's. The only thing I could have gotten for more money is looks. Nothing could have functioned better. The machining inside is well done. No sharp edges, no serious tool marks. It's a LOT of gun for the money. Bud's has had them for less than $340.

Get one, you'll like it.

All the Best,
D. White
That has been a concern of mine about the ATIs is I have researched countless posts of their tendency to shoot low, at least in lieu of the commander models. I know there are definitely remedies to this, such as filing down the front sight, and they are intended to be more of a "close and personal" combat arm for distances of say 20 yards and under anyways. Yet, I have also read that the reason the 1911 A1 (which is what my SA Mil-spec was modeled after) included the arched mainspring housing was to incorporate a more natural "tilting" of the bore in the strong shooting hand; naturally raising the point of impact. Could this be a potential remedy of the ATI shooting low, as it comes from the factory with a flat MSH? I know that these ATIs seem to be a bargain for what you pay, and I am being swayed a little by their price point and value, but was looking for a remedy to a potential problem if I so choose to buy one of their firearms, as I would like to have the gun shoot POA to POI. Thanks for the consideration.
I don't have a competent answer for the OP's questions, nor can I figure out how we got this far without anyone saying "carry on, my . . . " :D
Between a new Ruger and a "Used Colt Combat Commander/Commander Lt. weight/old school series 70/80/1991," I would go with the Ruger. However, your best bet may be to up your budget another $35 and get a new Colt.

You mention the Ruger Night Watchman, in particular, but why? An all-steel (stainless or two-tone) is about $140 cheaper than either the all-steel or alloy-framed Watchman over at Buds. The extra is for the nitride finish and tritium night sights, both of which are very nice if you plan on carrying it a lot. But you don't. Now, if you just like the looks of it and don't mind spending the extra money for the looks, then go ahead with the Watchman. I've spent more than a few dollars just for the looks of a particular model gun.

Why not a used Colt? Depending upon vintage, some Colts are "more equal" than other Colts and you might be buying someone else's problem. I've mostly had good luck buying used 1911s but did have a problem with a Colt. Also, for just a little bit more than your budget, you can get an all-steel Colt Commander. Grab-a-gun has one for $884.
KY, yep, that is primarily the reason why I was looking at the Talo Night Watchman over the stock Rugers. Just looks better to me. I have found some decent prices on GB for them, but I checked out and at one time Tombstone Tactical had them for 701 with free shipping...didn't know I'd even want one at the time but that sounds like it woulda been a steal of a deal.

Geez, I might just stack my pennies over time and see what catches my fancy. Or maybe the "I want a new gun" bug will just sort of go away and all that money I saved can be put towards some ammo or a new ar build...or....or....

Yeah, so it goes. ;)

BTW...yep, I like me some vintage Kansas tunes, and I am a born n raised Kansas dude, so hence my "call sign."
I thought I wanted a classic, pre-Series 80 Commander, but prices were crazy.
Guns in good condition were $650-$750, and this was fifteen years ago.
I found a first- or second-year Series 80 that hadn't been messed-with, for less than $500, which left room for small parts to back-date the appearance - polished slide stop and grip screws, stubby grip safety, sights - and couldn't be happier.
Colts of that era had anodized aluminum frames, and while my gun hasn't seen much holster use, it still looks great.
Newer Colts have cerakoted frames, some had nickel-plated frames, so there will be differences in durability and appearance.
I have always wanted a Colt Commander, Just never found the right deal. But High on my wish list

As said your budget is not too far from a new one. This might be one I would pay a little more for to have that name on it.

After all it will still be around long after we are "Dust in the wind" :D
I bought my first Colt Mk IV Government model in mid 70s. Numbers 2,3,& 4 all came within 5 years after that. They work all the time.

I never owned one of the shorties. Never really wanted to after the above.

My SIL owns 3 of the Combat Comanders and he shoots them all the time and they all work.

When he brings them from a match, they looked like someone dumped a pocket full of dirt in them and they are still fully functional.