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who wears them?

heres the problem I would have if i ever had to use a weapon in a defensive situation at night i wear contacts during the day and obviously take them out at night.

thing is with out them i cant see 2 feet in front of my face...and if it came down to shooting someone in my house it wouldnt be good...

any suggestions?

i hear they have those contacts that you can sleep in...anyone use them?

i dont want to deal with the glasses on the night side table...the odds of dropping them, fumbling in the dark are to great for me....


I wear contacts too, and take them out every night. Luckily, I'm able to see well enough without them to identify objects in relatively low light. I also have a flashlight mounted on my HD gun.

If you can't see two feet in front of you, you cannot reliably identify your target. I wouldn't be using a gun as my primary defense weapon if that were my situation.

Maybe a pair of those "sports" glasses with the elastic strap would work. Practice donning them like you would practice reloading in the dark and they may not be the liability you think.

Good luck! :)

I wear both, and I often sleep in my contacts - I add juice (moisturizer) before bed and discard the lens as soon as I wake up.

Glasses take some getting used to. If you do get glasses, get flex frames with hi impact "plastic" lens.

My house is a minimum of 55ft from any point of my property line. If something bigger than a dog or deer crosses that line, I'm notified. If you're worried about someone getting the jump on you, set up some kind of perimeter warning. It can be very simple or very involved, but it's going to buy you about 30 seconds.

My vision isn't great either, and without corrective lenses I could not accurately identify targets at a distance. When I have to work/qualify/train, I wear my contacts, but keep an emergency set of glasses on me. At home, I have a special pair of glasses by the night stand (see bellow) and I am very confident with the arrangement.

As for contacts you sleep in... well I was originally told by a doctor that I could sleep in my current ones. Even though this was a while ago with the original contact lenses, I didn't enjoy the feeling of dryness my eyes had in the morning. However another doctor told me that it is not reccommended to sleep with contacts at all. Enzymes build up on the lenses making them cloudy, and eventually very dry (and easier to fall out). Also the dirt that collects in the lenses can build up and cause infections. This actually happened to my brother and he was not able to wear his contacts for two weaks! :eek: Of course this was a while ago, so if new contacts are made for that purpose, them more power to ya!

I have considered getting laser surgery to correct my vision, but have decided against it for now. I know many people who have had it done, some of which are LEO's and have had great success, but I still held off on the idea until more long-term studies are done. That being said, don't let me discourage the idea for you because I took the time to look for reasons NOT to have surgery. :D

I know you want to avoid the glasses entirely, but if I may, I do have a very good recommendaion... in my opinion at least :) OAKLEY...

I used to sell oakleys, and to this day, i refuse to put anything infront of me otherwise. Now i will be the first to state the obvious, they are expensive. However they are worth every penny. They pride themselves in making the most shatter-proof lenses around, and they should considering that they make F-15 fighter jet cannopies with similar methods.

Oh God I'm becoming a rep again... anyway :rolleyes: ...Take a look at their webite and particularly at the M-Frame models and the Half-Jackets. These are the Lance Armstrong-style glasses that many LEO's and military wear. You can get interchangeable lenses in any shade or color or simply clear. You can also get perscription lenses made. The reason i suggest the M-Frames is because the arms extend far passed the ears and hold firmly against your head. I wear them on my motorcycle or even at the range (check out the shooting array lenses).

I also suggest a company called Rudy Project. Some models, such as the Pycoon (I believe) have an amazing feature. The arms are made of metal wrapped in rubber, and can be bent into any shape to secure to your head!

I hope this helps with the sheep counting, and I'm sure you'll find a comfortable solution. :cool:
I can't read the numbers on the digital clock without my lenses. I wear contacts during the day, and at night about an hour before bed I switch to glasses.

When I wake up I instinctivley reach for the glasses. We recently had an alarm activation at 4 AM, and it was muscle memory.

You WILL get use to it if you do it enough.
My glasses lie ON TOP of my STI on the nightstand. I can choose to grab the gun and dislodge them or just put them on and then acquire the weapon.
An additional problem with wearing glasses is that when an altercation breaks out what typically happens is that the glasses go flying. All of us should have some kind of rention system when we wear glasses.
There are contacts that you can wear overnight. Some people can do it; it bothers others. If you are interested in that, make sure to tell your optometrist when you go for the exam. Some contacts are made for overnight, some are not. There is a tendency to make your eyes very dry and upon waking, some people have to add some lubricating drops almost immediately. So "being awakened" in the middle of the night you may find it as difficult to see an intruder as it would be without the contacts in. Once again, it depends on the person. Many optometrists recommend against overnight usage for the reasons posted above. Much greater risk of infection! However, if you do choose to do so, at least take them out once a week and soak them in disinfecting solution over night. Your eyesight is nothing to play around with.
Lasik surgery is a great alternative for a lot of people. Particularily if your prescription is in the -2.00 to -5.00 range. From what I understand some insurances will even help cover now. But do your homework; ask around and get a good optomologist. Don't just go for the cheapest.
drop shot my home defense gun is a shotty.... its more of a legality issue...if i ever did have to shoot someone...i would want to be damned sure it was someone that needed shootin....if you understand.


I wear Bi-focal contacts during the day and at night at home switch over to glasses, at night, the glasses are placed on top of my hand gun safe in the bedroom,alarm goes off, glasses go on,safe,weapom,second chance fanny pack with shield ,wolf ears and away I go ,to defeat the ghost