Forwarded by a fellow believer in Freedom. If you don't want to see the latest freedom-hating propaganda at HCI's website, you can jump directly to GWB's email page at
Please take a few minutes and go to the new Handgun Control, Inc. propaganda site on the web - - and there you will see a link to contact Gov. George Bush and let him know what you think of the fact that he's been a supporter of rights for the lawful people who choose to be armed.
Use their page and their link to let Gov. Bush know 1) that we applaud his record on our rights and CCDW, 2) that we expect him to continue to be our ally and NOT TO WAFFLE in an attempt to get votes. That will only benefit Al Gore! Use HCI's own site against them, and pass this along to your friends and allies! Do it soon!
The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.
Please take a few minutes and go to the new Handgun Control, Inc. propaganda site on the web - - and there you will see a link to contact Gov. George Bush and let him know what you think of the fact that he's been a supporter of rights for the lawful people who choose to be armed.
Use their page and their link to let Gov. Bush know 1) that we applaud his record on our rights and CCDW, 2) that we expect him to continue to be our ally and NOT TO WAFFLE in an attempt to get votes. That will only benefit Al Gore! Use HCI's own site against them, and pass this along to your friends and allies! Do it soon!
The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.