Constructing a BackStop........


New member
I have a large enough "backyard" that I want to build a 100 yard Rifle Range.....I already have a pretty good idea of just how I want my Range Shack...(I plan to have it off the Back Door of the Shop)...But my Question is How should One build a Proper Backstop?? I would Appreciate answers only from those Who have Built their own.......I Need Real Experiences Here, not speculation...or Something from a Book. ....Thanks in Advance!!!
I built a very heavy brick wall and mounded up a whole lot of dirt either side. The wall should be about 15 or so feet high.
and about 5ft thick. and then dirt either side. i don't think theres much thats going to penetrate that. Hope this helps
The easiest, and probably cheapest method, is to just get a 'Cat operator to build you a berm.
I have seen one home made job made of old tires stacked up and filled with sand.
For safety sake, if you build the berm out of dirt, make sure the dirt is rock free.

If I were doing this, I would have at least three feet of packed dirt in all areas, up to about 10 feet. I think the suggestion of 15 feet is a bit much.

I have seen the rubber from tires used, but remember you have to do something with it once you fill it with lead.

Good luck however you decide to go.
The NRA has books on range building.

Okay, they're books.

Comes from experience. Heck, all my load data comes from books.
i built mine by constructing a box out of railroad ties 6 high. I then filled it with a mixture of sand and rock-free dirt. It stops everything !!!!