Constitutional Action Network (C.A.N.)


New member
Hi Folks,
Something has been brewing at TFL's sister site
We are establishing a crisis network that would enable us like minded people to maintain contact in the event of Major events that threaten our rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Please take a look if you are interested.

You can also find more info on C.A.N. at our temporary page. You will find that here:

Salute to TFL!

SameShot, Different day
Sounds like a bunch of keyboard warriors to me. How many would go ten miles out of their way home to the computer in order to do ANY such. How many were in DC for the rally? But next time will be different, huh? Don't leave your tushie uncovered counting on it.
That's not really fair is it? You have no idea what the pro-2nd A activities of the people in this group are. No, I was not at the DC rally, but I was busting my ass trying to repeal SB23 here in California. Others in this group that I know also actively fight for our rights.

With every battle, there are those who try to put the battle down. I guess I just met one of them. At least I would have supported the DC rally if you asked me, not stepped on it.

In any case, this network is growing fast even with your comments.
I hope that you might change your view and join up in the future.


SameShot, Different day
larry p. not all of use would have to go to our computer mine stays with me if im not home i use a cellular connetion on my laptop while im not sure what efects this program will have let every one do there own thing to try and help the cause of gun ownership and preservation of the constitution rant mode off sorry if i offended any one

I was at the March in DC and it was indeed sad at how few showed up. In fact, the C.A.N. concept is ideal for events such as this - to communicate activities to a large number of like minded individuals. I am the MD C.A.N. Operator and welcome any Marylanders to contact me to join.

We need some organization to help combat the ever growing infringement on our Second Amendment rights (as well as other rights diminishing). Maryland especially has become a hotspot where organization is imperative due to recent initiatives by Attorney Gen Joe Curran and Gov. Glendening.

The C.A.N. concept is also ideal to help move us, as a group, from being less keyboard warriors to being an active and vocal group in our communities. This is desperately needed to counter the anti-gun movements who ARE organized. The Million Mom March is scheduled for Mother's Day 2000. All the posts in the world on forums such as this will help no one. We must be active and get out into the community.

Please consider joining a local C.A.N. and add youe voice to help preserve our freedoms.

My e-mail is to all those interested in Maryland. See SameShots above link for the website.

Thanks and God help us all.
Dear Friends,

I just e-mailed SameShot to volunteer. I think this is exactly what we need.

Will the FBI hear about it and start eavesdropping, maybe note our addresses, etc.? Of course they will. But the more mechanisms are in place for this kind of thing, the more hesitant the federales will always be to take any big steps against us. If they know any more Waco type stunts will likely be met with opposition by large numbers, they won't be so quick to try it again.

I've volunteered to be the State Op for Colorado. All contact information will be triple-encrypted and stored on a non-networked system, and email notices will be PGP encrypted and sent by BCC. Information sent to me via email will be transferred via floppy to the non-net machine, then wiped off the net machine.

And to any Project Echelon/NSA pukes reading this:


"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
I got IL so you guys lets get the word out and start doing what we are supposed to be doing as AMERICANS! Contact me if you are in IL.


[This message has been edited by SCR1 (edited October 26, 1999).]
It is a good idea for some precaution to be taken by the Operators to protect the Contact list, just as you would keep lists of your friends and family protected.
By Design, State Operators only have the info on the people for their state, and as this grows, they will only have the info for the people in their area.
This in itself offers some degree of protection from...uh...say.... The Hari Christnia's getting ahold of that information.
Look at the bright side though, you can bet that you are already on the "anti's" list... Why not be on the list of your brothers and sisters who are on your side?
It is important to note that C.A.N. is merely an advanced "phone tree", and by itself neither supports, nor condems any actions concieved of by the membership.
It will however provide a useful tool of communication on a broadcast scale.

Thanks for joining up guys :)

SameShot, Different day
12 States in 2 days!
I've been getting pounded with email, and despite sore typing fingers, I'm very happy about that.
I'm glad to see that people realize the potential of such a network.

With any luck, this will grow to be a useful resource for all of us.


SameShot, Different day
Hello from New York,

I have been reading the posts on this board for the past year. Nice bunch of people.

I am the New York C.A.N. Operator.

Sameshot at the top of this topic has the temporary page address. Basically a "phone tree" for comunicating information. Take a look.........

If you would like to become a State Operator, there are 37 states still availble.(Nebraska has been just filled)

Looking forward to hear from the New York, Vermont and New Hampshire people.......

Best regards

[This message has been edited by Pickupdan (edited October 28, 1999).]
Why the need for secrecy? The 1st says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

With that in mind, isn't this simply the people excercising their right to peaceably assemble? Just because we are assembled via keyboard or phone instead of standin on a street corner shouldn't matter, right?

Would there be any objection to approaching an orginization such as to see if they would be interested in expanding the idea beyond the 2nd? IMHO, this is a very worthwhile issue. It goes one step beyond the ballot box to let them know that we are watching them for a change.

CCW for Ohio action site.
You are exactly right.
The reason I mentioned that the State Ops should be keeping their state contact lists private and safe is because if Crisis of large proportion were ever to surface, I would not like any of these lists to get into the hands of people who really could care less about the 1st and they wont.

SameShot, Different day
OK,I can see that reasoning and a possible need for some to not want their name open to public scrutiny. I myself post under a pseudo,,psuedo,,pssue,,,,handle ;) for privacy reasons.
I don't see this type of thing as any vast movement, but it sure would be nice if it could evolve that way. The consumer protection people, civil rights people and a host of others started in similar fashion. There are just too many things going on at one time for people to be everywhere. The media is concerned mainly with showing a profit from adver$$. We have a local car dealer that puts out a lot of annoying commercials ( Bob Serpantini from Star Chevrolet) where he spends a bunch of his own money to voice his opinions in preface to his *Deal of the Century*. Sometimes he makes judgements on what is happenening, sometimes he just tells the truth of an event. Good example is Gore and the photo shoot where Gore needed a lot of water for a pretty picture, at a time when the country was crying for rain. Sounds good to me. I can't be a State Op, and even a contact might not be a good idea due to a lot of my ties in the computer industry, but I'm happy to help in any way I can. Good start would be to add a link to it in the sig huh?

CCW for Ohio action site.
I'll put that link in the sig as soon as our web page is permanant. :)


SameShot, Different day
One step ahead of you! :)
I will keep it up to date though to reflect the permanent site.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.