Constant, low-level, activism begins paying off


New member
I have had MANY conversations with the editorial staff of JMU's student newspaper "The Breeze" regarding "yellow journalism" vs the reporting of the facts. Occasionally I ding them on other stuff as well but I make it a point to never let a firearms or RKBA article go past me without "independent" review ;)

So I'm very pleased to see my local activism paying off this year.

Why, you may ask, am I so proud of this article? Because The Breeze reported this one factually, with informational reference to State law, and absolutely ZERO histrionics. It didn't even make the screaming front page headlines it would have last year.

Okay, they got one fact wrong (Brandishing is a class 1 Misdemeanor or a class 6 Felony, NOT a class 1 Felony) and I have contacted their editors on that and posted online, but compared to the tabloid "journalism" we were getting last year this is a much needed shot of pure news REPORTING.

(Too bad the topic was someone being really stupid in a very public place <sigh>)
Well, keep up the good work. You are not just training journalists, you are training young journalists. Maybe if they learn right the first time it will stick.

That drunk (allegedly) college student is lucky he did not get killed, but likely stupid enough to end up with a felony.
Well done. Think how much influence your work may ultimately have if these journalists take the habits they learn here to new places. A classic example of how a little local activism on a personal level can reach much, much further.

It has been a long interval of time since folks like Hobbs, Blackstone, Jefferson and Madison understood and reinforced the notion of the "natural laws of self protection". These folks and many others understood a tyrannical governments FEAR of the common man.

It seems that our world has revolved again into a environment controlled by tyrants that FEAR the common man. It will be folks like you who will keep the candle lite and a small light shining against the cold and dark winds of progressive oppression. My hope is that YOUR candles will some day ignite the common man into seeing the natural laws that created the swell of freedom and democracy that swept the world after the last age of oppression.

Stay articulate, Stay active, my best to you.