Conspiracy theory video

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Enron Exec

New member

Has anyone else seen this 2 hour film before? They cover alot and make some outrageous claims, some of it pretty scary. The 3 parts of the movie talked about how religon, government, and a handfull of the powerful elite control society. Why we are losing our rights, and how the public is being dulled so as to not become aware of this sort of control taking place. It kinda reminded me of a none sci-fi version of the Matrix lol. How deep does the rabbit hole go? Or that movie, Fight Club... but more real.
Are you astonished that the powerful elite control our lives? One percent of the population controls ninety percent of all wealth. Think about that! I don't think religion controls as much as it used to, because religion is now, in itself, controlled by money. That is what it all comes down to- making more and more money while preventing others from doing the same.

Don't get me wrong though. Our country is a place where a good hardworking person can still make great leaps and bounds. But, as corporate globalization increases further, our ability to control our everyday lives will be jeopardized. We will be controlled by international corporations. Such is already happening and most people will not realize it until it is too late to do anything about it.
A lot of that movie is crap. Just out there to promote another's person's conspiracy theory. However, reason and common sense dictate that the ones with the money use it to promote their own agendas and bolster their own power base. We can see that pattern throughout history, and it will continue in the future.

As to my statements about corporate globalization, I have seen what is now happening coming for a long time. As to what used to be national corporations, those companies have moved into the global marketplace at astonishing speed. As they have done this, they have changed in corporate structure and motives. Remember that companies exist to do one thing- make money for their shareholders. Such is the nature of business, and I can not knock that, but I sure do care that my family's access to food is controlled by a corporation based out of China or some place like that.
Yea alot of it was crap i think. There where a few points that did spark my interest, like all that 9/11 conspiracy. Never had i beleived it before, but the facts they portrayed in the film, maybe some of it twisted or altered, got me thinking.

The control of the masses by the elite is nothing knew to me as well, and i totally agree with how you put it.
"These extracts from the JFK speech entitled "The President and the Press" from April 27, 1961, are used as a dramatized introduction to Part 3, and are not exactly in context with the original intent of JFK's speech. Though President Kennedy does indeed address the peril of secrecy, denouncing "secret societies", "secret oaths" and "secret proceedings" in his statements, the latter section is related to his views on Communism and not these societies."

The video here is of the Madrid Bombings of 2004, not the London Bombings of 2005. (It is used as a creative expression and example.)

["Collapse Characteristics of World T. Center 1, 2 & 7 fit the Controlled Demolition Model Exactly"]
-WTC 7 fits the C.D. model exactly, however Towers 1 and 2 were, in fact, EXPLOSIONS rather than implosions. The means of the demolition of Towers 1 and 2 would be considered "unconventional". The free fall speed; collapse "into its own footprint" and other such goals of controlled demolition, are however confluent.
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