Conservatives now reaching for gun control?

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Should this not be entitled "A lone RHINO congress-person has proposed a ban on firearms near government buildings"
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I'll remind everyone about TFL's copyrighted materials policy.

I'll also remind everyone that general political discussions, such as what constitutes a RINO, will quickly result in a thread being closed.
The liberals, we expect to be anti-gun. They want to grow government so they eliminate liberty's safeguards one by one and try to replace you with officials or some policy.
Maybe you expect them to be anti-gun: I know many who are not. I know several who would otherwise be more vocal in their support of the 2nd Amendment if it weren't for fear of being "outed" as liberals in the gun community.
sigh... Some times, I'm really glad that certain stuff is never aired here at TFL. This was one of those "articles."

Besides the OP being a copyright violation, it was also a cut-n-paste drive by.

Do I need to mention the politics involved? It is bad enough that the Congress passed the arbitrary 1000 foot Gun Free School Zone. Now some are proposing a 1000 foot Gun Free Politicians Zone?

Closed for all the obvious reasons. --> Call/Write your congress person, not me.
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