Conservatives more honest than liberals?


New member
I always suspect “surveys”, but this one certainly didn’t shock me. It’s been my experience that “liberals” are less honest than “conservatives”.

What do you think?

BTW: The author correctly exempts politicians.


The headline may seem like a trick question — even a dangerous one — to ask during an election year. And notice, please, that I didn’t ask whether certain politicians are more honest than others. (Politicians are a different species altogether.) Yet there is a striking gap between the manner in which liberals and conservatives address the issue of honesty.”

Full story
Do you consider Bush a conservative or liberal?

Which ever you think he is, that's the one that lies the most.

It will take years for the Democrats to catch back up.
How could we doubt a conclusion like this reached by Peter Schweizer, the author of: “Makers and Takers: Why Conservatives Work Harder, Feel Happier, Have Closer Families, Take Fewer Drugs, Give More Generously, Value Honesty More, Are Less Materialistic and Envious, Whine Less ... And Even Hug Their Children More Than Liberals”

I mean, it's gotta be true!
I think "honest" is the wrong word to use here. All the example questions have to do with tax evasion. I do find it funny that the ones who are so quick to preach about the necessity of taxation are also the most likely to cheat. And that the ones who fuss about taxes the loudest are the same ones who say it's morally wrong to not pay 'em. :D

I'll tell everyone here: I hate taxes and I encourage everyone here to screw Uncle Sam every chance you get.
For example, don't buy stuff if you don't have to. Barter instead. :D
Let's see. The study is that "liberals" said they would cheat X amount. The "conservatives" said they would cheat X - Y amount. So, the conclusion is that the "conservatives" are more honest?

Anyone see any problems with that method?

(You will get 15 points of extra credit.)