"Conservative Voice" links Soros and McCain

John Kerry's heiress wife contributes to McCain's non-profit "consultancy" as well.

Sadly, Romney endorsed McCain today, which speaks very loudly of his lack or morals too.

This is what we've come to for candidates for office.
John Kerry's heiress wife contributes to McCain's non-profit "consultancy" as well.

Lets see: Mrs Heinz contribs to John MCCain. He therefore shares her values.

Don Black contributes to Ron Paul........:D

O wait, MCain doesnty know who she is. I mean his staff doesnt. Wait they do know, but dont share her values. Wait, thats not her standing next to the candidate. Wait they would rather keep her from using the money for something else. Wait.....

WildmorningsunshineAlaska ™
Our current administration did great harm to the gop and McCain would only add to the harm and lengthen the time for the gop to recover, I will not vote for him and unless some unforseen problems arise I serious doubt he will be president. Although he and Soros make a lovely pair.:rolleyes:
Exactly why isn't Soros in jail as an enemy to the country?

When is the last time you heard of a billionaire being thrown in the jug? I don't even know which country he calls home. And if he were incarcerated, Mayor Bloomberg would most likely spring him.

Although he and Soros make a lovely pair. :rolleyes:

So it would seem. This just affirms the similaritys between the two political parties, although money does prove to be a great catylist. And who said politicans weren't for sale??????? :barf:
Lets see: Mrs Heinz contribs to John MCCain. He therefore shares her values.

Don Black contributes to Ron Paul....

A few differences, though.

Heinz was one of very few 6-figure contributors to the Reform Institute. Don Black was one of tens of thousands of people who gave a few hundred bucks to a campaign raising over $28 million.

The Reform Institute also took contributions from major players in the cable industry, who perhaps coincidentally had important business pending before the Commerce Committee, which perhaps coincidentally is chaired by the founder of the Reform Institute, John McCain. The Paul campaign has never operated as a political shakedown machine in that way, and I'm not sure what important business Don Black may have before any committee chaired by Paul.

The Reform Institute uses their political shakedown proceeds to employ John McCain's election staff between elections.

I'd say John McCain's Reform Institute shows a great deal more appearance of impropriety than the Paul campaign, and there is quite a bit more evidence of influence peddling.

So how did the OP make Paul relevant to this thread? Or are we just breaking the forum rules here?
So how did the OP make Paul relevant to this thread? Or are we just breaking the forum rules here?

No actually we are just using analogy to point out the hypocrisy...

Which you seem to be supporting :)

Of course, Ms Heinz is far less, how shall I put this,.....how about repulsively and verminously disgusting...than Don Black.

Unless in your eyes you equate idiocy with hatred.:cool:

WildhaveyouhuggedyourS&W442todayAlaska ™
I don't find any substantiation of this alleged coercion. If there is any it is long into a Google search.

Soros, being a political pariah, is someone that works very very hard to keep his associations under wraps. Knowing that his very association means heavy political damage for those that will do what he would like to see done, he is typically very well insulated from them.

Knowing this it seems that no sooner does the presumptive Republican nominee become clear, his ability to insulate his association with that nominee is 'unfortunately' compromised.

I smell a reincarnation of McCain's illegitimate black baby.

If Soros truly held McCain as an ally, and someone that tracked with his will, he would never let that become public. More likely it serves his purpose to damage McCain and aid Hillary or Obama. All he had to do was give some cash and point the hysterical in the right direction. If he even did that....

McCain takes centrist positions about 15% of the time but he is no leftist.