I've been reloading since Aug 2013, with around 4K rounds (pistol & rifle) to my credit (I know, I'm still VERY NEW at this).
While reading my manuals, studying data & getting advise from a mentor & forums like this, I realized that there is little data for a specific bullet/powder data (EXAMPLE: I could find data for say Bullseye powder & Hornady XTP bullets but nothing for Bullseye & Gold Dot Bullets. Or Bullseye & Golden Saber bullets. I had some Gold Dots I wanted to load).
My mentor, members of this & other forums I frequent &, to some extent, email responses from powder & bullet makers advised that, since all of the above were JACKETED bullets, then to use data for JACKETED bullets. OAL would depend on how the completed rounds "plunked" in the barrel & functioned in my magazines.
Same applies to plated & lead bullets.
I don't worry so much about bullet shape when building my loads as I do about bullet weight (185, 200, 230) & type (jacketed, plated, lead).
Again, OAL is dependent upon barrel plunk & mag fit/function. Charges ALWAYS start at the low end, adjusting OAL to get the BEST out of that particular bullet/charge combination, then working up.
I rarely get close to MAX charge because I usually find the BEST before I get there.
To date, I've had some FTF's (fail to function properly) but those were very few & far between (I figure part of the learning process) & have had ZERO over-pressure signs. I still have all my fingers & my guns are undamaged.
Knowing how dangerous reloading CAN BE, I choose to pay attention to detail, take my time & be as safe as I can possibly be.
If you value your health, tools & equipment, you'll do the same.
Just my humble opinion. I'm sure we won't all agree.