Consecutive serial # .303 Enfields listed on GB


New member
For those of you who like .303 British Enfields - On Target (Kalamazoo, MI) has some consecutive serial numbered .303 Enfields listed on Gun Broker. I don't know how often these would ever be available so thought I'd post the link in case anyone is interested.

I have nothing do do with these but found them interesting. You can click on the link and then go to their other auctions to see the rest. i have sold some guns through On Target as well as having purchased some from them - good folks and my experiences have always been excellent.

Just thought I'd pass this along . . . .
sorry if I come across as a raging Ahole and I know that you are not the one advertizing but are these guys complete idiots? I saw the word consecutive serials so many times I had to stop counting and yet the auction is for a single rifle.... when people want consecutive serial numbers they usually want more than one rifle. it is impossible to buy a single rifle with a consecutive serial number.... they are just throwing out flashy wording on a post war rifle with no historical value and hoping to get as much profit as possible. I see now that there is 1 bid, at $200 which is not entirely unreasonable and still did not meet reserve...

I'm thinking someone's hinky here.
You're right - that auction is for a single rifle. But they've also listed four others, and the five rifles in the five different auctions have consecutive serial numbers.
which is also incredibly hinky, so you bid on two different rifles and hope you win both auctions? what are you supposed to do if you lose one of the auctions?

it's just.... I think I need to do some pushups and imagine myself at the gun range or something to calm me down....
can't even begin to imagine why that would, or even should, be a selling point for anyone.

For Enfield rifles, or in general?

I can understand the appeal of some consecutively-numbers items, such as amplifiers or pistols. I do agree that the concept of consecutively-numbered rifles is a little strange, since I don't usually think of rifles as being "paired" items.
In my youth, I oohed and aahed at the consecutive serial numbered guns at a local store. The dealer said "Son, they ALL come out of the factory with consecutive serial numbers." He had just made a large order from the importer and gotten guns right out of the crate from the manufacturer, nothing special about them.

Now if you wanted two (or more) of these .303s for an industrial type display, great. But it is not like getting a PAIR of guns kept together and USED together by an individual customer.
For these particular rifles.

Especially given that they are being sold separately, which means if 5 different people buy them, they're no longer consecutively serial numbered.
exactimundo, unless you are seriously willing to overpay by 3 times the guns inherent value then you have very strong odds of being stuck with a single rifle, which without a partnered serial rifle is nothing more than a post war canadian enfield that never saw any military service... a good shooter but no historical value and no cute story to go along with the whole consecutive serials thing.
My apologies for having posted this as it wasn't my intention to "ruffle any feathers" or "upset" anyone. I'm on this site often enough to know that some of you are really in to milsurp rifles and since I ran across these . . . I posted it as I didn't know if there was any interest or not . . . nothing more . . nothing less.

I agree that listing them separately and selling them that way would drive the price up if a fella was serious about getting two or more. Are they worth it . . . I don't know as I'm not in to milsurp. But then again . . . I guess if someone has the interest and the $$$$ . . . they will sell. If not . . . they won't.

As I said in my original post . . . I have nothing to do with these or the seller. I have dealt with On Target both selling on consignment as well as buying and they are and have been always fair in their dealings. I would imagine that these are probably consigned rifles . . . if so . . . of course they want to get the most out of them . . . good for the seller and a higher sales commission for them. You can't fault that. If they were your rifles and you consigned them, you'd want the most out of them as well. So you really can't fault them for trying to sell them that way . . . every fence has two sides.

Will they sell? Well, there is a bid on one of them . . I guess if it meets the reserve, that rifle will sell. Will all of them? Who knows?

As I said . . . I posted about them as I'm on here often enough to know that there are those who like the milsurp. If nothing more . . . it will be an interesting group of auctions to watch to see what happens. Next time though, I'll certainly think twice before posting about something like this . . . I hate to raise another person's blood pressure.
Like I said nothing was aimed at you bed bug billy, I just really find it idiotic how they are listing all of these rifles separately but listing them as consecutive serial numbers...
What's wrong with collecting by serial number?


I acquired these many years apart. I would not mind adding a pair of LB's if the price was right.

The seller could have listed them as pairs and really jacked the price up.
I guess my problem with matching serials is that they are selling the matching serials separetely to the highest bidder with no guarantee of getting one with matching numbers.
heck, if you want to look at it that way every one of my guns are consecutive serials... I just don't have the guns with the matching numbers...
I guess my problem with matching serials is that they are selling the matching serials separetely to the highest bidder with no guarantee of getting one with matching numbers.

The seller may think he well get a higher price this way?

I've seen 1950 LB's command high prices in the past. It well be interesting to see what these bring. I have them in my watch list, may bid on one...or two.:rolleyes: