Connecticut sherriff faces charges


New member
While the police in Connecticut are ransacking peoples homes for guns predicated on eight-year-old warrants and their having been "seen" with a gun, this is the caliber of person they have as their sheriff.

This from the Providence, RI Journal-Bulletin at:

11.2.99 00:21:45
Sheriff may face hate-crime charge
David Avery, 43, of Canterbury, Conn., the off-duty sheriff accused of
chasing a couple for nearly 25 miles on Saturday, is also wanted in
Connecticut on felony and misdemeanor charges.

Journal Staff Writer

PROVIDENCE -- The mother of Heather Washington, who the police say
was chased through Connecticut and northwest Rhode Island Saturday
night by an off-duty sheriff, said yesterday that the sheriff was shouting
``White Power!'' at her daughter as he fired shots at her Jeep.

Washington's mother, Onna Moniz-John of East Providence, made these
comments in an interview yesterday outside the District Court
arraignment of Sheriff David Avery, 43, of Canterbury, Conn.

Avery was charged with four counts of assault with a dangerous weapon,
carrying a firearm without a permit, carrying a firearm while intoxicated
and driving while intoxicated.

State police said they are aware of the ``White Power'' accusation, and
are investigating whether Avery's alleged attack was racially motivated. If
so, Avery may be charged under the Hate Crime Sentencing Act, said
Detective Capt. Brendan P. Doherty.

Avery is being held at the Adult Correctional Institutions and will be
extradited to Connecticut, where he faces additional felony and
misdemeanor charges, as soon as he posts his bail, Doherty said.

The nearly 25-mile chase began when Washington passed Avery's
pickup truck on Route 6 near Brooklyn, Conn., which is about 15 miles
over the Rhode Island border. Washington told the police that Avery
was driving at around 10 mph and braking erratically.

After Washington passed his truck, Avery sped up and turned on his high
beams, the police said. He drove alongside the Jeep and pointed a gun at
Washington and her boyfriend, Ernest Tucker, 24, of Providence.
Washington then made a U-turn, heading back toward Rhode Island.

Avery followed. He fired several rounds of shots at the couple through
his window.

The chase ended at the Foster Texaco station. Yelling for the attendant
to call 911, Tucker and Washington locked themselves into the station
while Avery waved a loaded gun outside, Foster police said.

Lt. William Chapman, responding to the call at the Foster Texaco, found
Avery collapsed on the floor at Helen's Place next door. Patrons had
taken Avery's weapon, a .45-caliber handgun cocked with a bullet in the
chamber, Foster police said.

``It was a horrendous thing,'' said Moniz-John. ``It started with road
rage. She just thought he was a slow driver -- or just trying to be
annoying. She went around him, and that's when it turned into something
entirely different.''

Moniz-John said that Washington, who is 23 and works as a special
education teacher in Hartford, was at her house yesterday, recovering
from the incident.

``She goes back and forth [between Hartford and East Providence]
every weekend, and it's never going to be the same,'' she said. ``He
wasn't stopping at anything. He was intent on getting her.''

Avery, a thin-haired man of medium build, was walking on crutches
yesterday when he appeared before Judge Michael A. Higgins. Higgins
lowered his bail from $1 million to $50,000.

Avery was also charged yesterday with being a fugitive from justice in
Connecticut, and the bail for that offense was set at an additional

Connecticut State Police issued a warrant for Avery's arrest yesterday
afternoon. Avery is wanted in Connecticut on two counts of criminal
attempt to commit assault in the first degree, two counts of reckless
endangerment, criminal use of a firearm -- all felonies -- and two counts
of threatening, a misdemeanor, Connecticut State Police said.

``These are serious charges,'' said Lt. Ralph Carpenter, a Connecticut
State Police spokesman. ``The entire incident from our investigators'
point of view is a serious incident, and that's why our major crimes squad
is conducting our investigation.''

Carpenter said that Connecticut State Police are not currently
considering the alleged attack as a hate crime.

``Certainly if our investigators determine that that occurred, we will be
looking into charging him accordingly,'' he said.

Avery, who works as a special deputy sheriff for Windham County, was
placed on administrative leave, with pay, pending the outcome of an
internal investigation, said Windham County High Sheriff Thomas White.

Avery has worked as a sheriff in the 15-town county, which borders
Rhode Island, since June 1995. His job is to transport people to and
from police stations and court buildings, White said.

White said he was shocked to learn of the charges against Avery, who he
has known for more than three years.

``It's just not in his character. I don't know what happened. This is just
not him,'' he said. ``Our prayers are with his family and children.''

With reports from staff writer Raghuram Vadarevu.
An article from the Los Angeles Times (9-27-99) which may explain why these types of people are hired in Connecticut.

High IQ Score Keeps Man Off Police Force
From Times Wire Reports

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by a man who was deemed too smart to be a New London, Conn., police officer.

U.S. District Judge Peter C. Dorsey said the Police Department's rejection of Robert Jordan because he scored too high on an intelligence test did not violate his rights.
The city's rationale for the long-standing practice is that candidates who score too high could soon get bored and quit after undergoing costly academy training.

Dorsey said: "The question is not whether a rational basis has been shown for the policy chosen by defendants. Plaintiff may have been disqualified unwisely, but he was not denied equal protection."

Jordan, 48, scored a 33, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. The average score nationally for police officers, as well as office workers, bank tellers and salespeople, is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104.

Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved
And the IQ of David Avery must be in the room temperature range, on a late fall day.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
This is not good media for that national LEO opinions...
You get this kinda thing - and yet these departments still want a Degree of some sort...

I dont get it.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Jim V, ROFLMAO. ;) And, that would be late fall in Connecticut, not Phoenix. ;)

Well, I'll bet the New London LEO's are just proud as hell when they're chosen to serve. Oh boy.

Everytime I think something is over the top ... I'm wrong. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
C'mon, Jeff, you haven't read "Brave New World"?

All I can think of is the "Epsilon Minus Semi-Moron" elevator operators: genetically engineered not to get bored with menial labor.
This is scarry - LE work requires a lot of brains - you gotta think on your feet - you got to be able to move and think on your feet. I dont think BORRING has anything to do with it.
They just dont want some one smart enough to question the rules.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Well, DUH!!!!

From the Hartford (CT) Courant

Jailed Deputy Sheriff Resigns

This story ran in the Courant November 9, 1999

KILLINGLY - A Windham County deputy sheriff accused of shooting at and
chasing a motorist through two states has resigned.

Sheriff Thomas White said Monday that David A. Avery's lawyer delivered a
letter of resignation late Friday.