conical bullets for .36 Navy


I just got a new Lee conical bullet mold for .375 130 gr. bullets. They sure come out pretty, but it seems they are a bit tall to load through the pistol frame. so I am guessing a separate loading press is the answer.... any advice would be much appreciated.
just going from memory here, but I think those conicals were meant to be loaded with a separate tool and were usually in the form of combustible cartridges. I don't think they did much loading of conicals out in the field.

Some people say they got poor accuracy with conicals but if you can seat them perfectly straight then your accuracy should be good.
Navy conicals

I have cast the same bullet and never had a problem loading them. Also had good accuracy. The only problem I had was with the heavier bullet the caps would blow back causing caps in the works. I have changed nipples but have not tried the conicals yet. But the new nipples have eliminated the cap problems with round balls. Gus
i have seen the cylinder loading tool before. yes, i dont think they shot these much out in the field just because the round ball is so much easier to load. i am just looking for a little more umph upon the steel target. thanks.