Congressional e-mailing lists


New member
So there I was, checking out TFL, with my email in the background... when I received an email at what would be around 0130 back home. Curious, I check my email, to find a congressional mailer, asking if I'd like to be updated via facebook or twitter (neither of which I have, Luddite me) on the Congressman's activities and legislation.

The name wasn't familiar, so I checked out the link to his homepage.

I live in GA.

The Congressman represents a district in LA.

How did I get on a Louisiana mailing list?

For the gun link to all this, I usually ping both Senators and my Congressman when gun legislation I care about is pending. Should I ping this guy, too, even if he isn't my representative?


I have sent letters to Congressional Reps who were not in my districts when they came up with bone headed ideas and tried to push them.
Your decision. Do you want to? Why ask us?
A number of Reps. and Senators allow their names to be used for fund raising for their party or other candidates. No harm in that you can be removed from the lists anytime you want. Only you can make that decision.
I suppose I'm asking the forum because I have no experience in dealing with reps other than my own. I'm not sure how often reps actually respond to individuals from other districts, who don't represent PACs or organizations, and so I don't have any idea whether it's worth the effort.

But I figure some TFL members may have some experience with that.