Congress Ignores e-mail?


Staff Emeritus
Most members of Congress ignore e-mail.

(Quote-bold added for stress)
Three Words Congressional Offices Hate to Hear: You’ve Got Mail
While tens of millions of Americans happily digest a daily diet of "you've got mail," a
small group of citizens remains wary of e-mail, unsure how to fit it into their daily
routine -- and often downright resentful of it.
No, they aren't your great-grandparents. They're your Congress.
Of the 440 voting and non-voting House of Representatives members, 22 have no
e-mail at all. Even House Speaker Dennis Hastert is wired only halfway -- his office
receives-mail, but does not respond to it. And while all U.S. Senators have e-mail,
they, like their House counterparts, routinely shun non-constituent mail -- even
though they chair committees whose decisions affect the entire country

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Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
This is why it is such a good idea to print out your email, stuff it in an envelope and mail it to your congressperson. Their office may even count them as two separate instances of constituent support or resistance.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
I have invariably gotten some form of reply to polite, one-page snail-mail. (Polite, I said; not, "Dear Sir, You cur!") Some of it is of the "thank you for your interest", particularly if you don't live in the District or State. But most of my Reps & Sens have the staff write "real" responses.

AFTER several snail mails, I will send the occasional email. I use a heading just as if it were a snail-mail letter. I edit it down to the equivalent of a one-page letter. I also use 12-point Arial, to make it more readable. And I get responses.

Texas' Sen. Hutchison, I've been told, reads all hand-written letters, herself. The staff reads all other snail-mail. FAXes and email are dealt with on a time-available basis. This sounds sensible to me.

Do we expect Congresspeople to have unlimited staff-people to read every last thing? We don't get what we don't pay for...

I am assuming that e-mail from is being blocked or filtered by many Congressional offices. I voted in the first poll on handgun registration. I received an automated response from Senator Durbin's office within a few hours of the vote. I have not received a response, automated or otherwise for any vote I've made since. I have heard that Mr. Morris is persona non grata in many Washington circles and that many of our politicos see him as trying to circumvent the system.

Here's the big deal though. The members of congress came up with a formula for representation of mail. Each snail mail delivered constitutes one man's feelings, but the formula says that one man represents about 200 other people who feel the same way, but didn't write. Also, those that write their congressmen, tend to vote as to where the e-mail group vote only sometimes, and not others. This is why there is a disparity between methods of communication. It costs you 17 bucks a year in postage to write your congressman once a week. This is money well spent, and still cheaper than an annual NRA membership!
The only politico who has ever acknowledged my E mail is (Barf) Chuck Schumer! None of the Republicans have never answered or acknowledged me. The Republicans are so neanderthal in their thinking and actions. They definitely need a swift kick in the Gluteus!

Geoff Ross
I did the thing and received a canned response from my republican congressman, a response from one republican senator which may or may not have been canned - it was long and specific concerning gun control so....

The other republican senator did not respond
I did and got personal responses from My U.S. Rep., and one of my Senators. The thing is, I've voted on several times, and the responses I've gotten were only on one issue. The senator that responded, Peter Fitzgerald is a very anti-RKBA republican in the mold of Richard Daley. My rep., Jerry Weller, is a very, very pro-RKBA republican. He holds a ton of meetings among his constituents, and I plan on going to quite a few this year to develop some sort of rapport with him. I think Senators Fitzgerald and Durbin could give a rat's behind as to what their constituency thinks.
I regularly e-mail my congressmen and usually get a response. Often I get an e-mail back which simply acknowledges reciept of my message, but there is often a snail mail response to my specific concern within two or three weeks. Then again all my congressmen are pro-RKBA and understand my concerns.

Strength is the outcome of need; security sets a premium on feebleness. H.G. Wells The Time Machine
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by K80Geoff:
The only politico who has ever acknowledged my E mail is (Barf) Chuck Schumer! None of the Republicans have never answered or acknowledged me. The Republicans are so neanderthal in their thinking and actions. They definitely need a swift kick in the Gluteus!


My Senator (Santorum) has replied to every correspondence I've sent or called.
The other one, Spector, isn't so hot on this.
Goodling, the Representative, has a good reputation for constituent service. I don't particularly agree with his reputation...been on his case about co-sponsoring Ron Paul's HR-407 for months now.
I have heard the White House blocked's e-mails.

Basically, most of these folks owe their allegiance to the party, not the constituents.
I have worked as a journalist since the 60's and worked closely with Hubert H. Humphrey. He once said that if he got 8 or 10 letters to day on any subject it was a landslide of interest.
Today congressman have staffers log EVERY call, letter, email etc. When a subject comes up for vote the congressman will ask for a report on voter input. If you recall Coke dumped their sponsorship for pro-wrestling just because a small religious group headed a compaign against them.
Shooters have little clue as to their power. Shooters got Rosie O dumped by KMart. One hell of a victory.
The industry is fragmented, but if ONE source would single out ONE issue or person at a time and focused shooters into responding in a pro-gun fashion great changes could take place.
When I write a political person I make two things clear and it does get their attention.
1. I will not support ANY candidate with my MONEY that has a record of anti-gun or easy on crooks etc.
2. I will not supporty ANY party with my MONEY that does the same.
3. I will use Internet and PC resources to urge others to do so.
They all understand money. There are places where shooters can find a way to write ONE letter and hit the button and it goes out to every member of congress or state legislators. USE EM!!!
Maybe someone can post a few of those links. I just switched PC's and lost my link.

Specialists in the use and training of lethal force.
After a e-mail the other day I got a response from my Rep (nothing from the Senators). He said that he "appreciated the input" but without a follow up (snail mail) letter with my address on it, he "wouldn't be able to consider it" because he's not sure whose district I'm in. Guess I just need to get more vocal so that everyone in the office knows what the letter will be about just by the return address and not the content.
Every E-mail I've sent to my Representative and my Senators has been answered.

Sometimes it is a few weeks after, but no matter the subject they have always responded.

Insure you include your complete mailing address if you want a response.

BTW, I have also received responses from those that I don't elect.


If you check my profile I live in KY.