

New member
In this rural area there were two neighbors who apparently had long term disagreements. Neighbor 1 was in his garage when he noted neighbor 2 approaching with a 22 rifle .Instead of going into the house and calling the police,neighbor 1 confronted him .Neighbor 2 shot him !!.He did survive.....Now do you understand the danger of confrontation ??? :confused:
Maybe neighbor 2 now understands one of two things:

The value of retreating.

The value of CCW.

IMO, he should have retreated when he had the chanse, confronting an armed man that is obviously pissed at you isn't at the top 10 list of things one should do.
This is a good reason...............

To 1.) always strive to have good relations with your neighbors, and 2.) keep a firearm handy!!
I started to ask Steveno which gene pool he wanted cleaned up:

1) the dummy that confronted a ticked off neighbor that had an attitude and a rifle


2) the guy that took a rifle to what should have been only a shouting contest

Guess I wouldn't want any of my family to get involved with either one. Both seem dumber than a box of rocks.

May God bless,
The correct response to an approaching person with a gun is to be ready with a gun that falls into the catagory of "decisive". For me that is a medium bore rifle with light to middleweight expanding bullets. Though it could be a 12 gauge with slugs. The phone comes after that has been taken care of.

If the approaching party decides not to wait at the door, or starts shooting before the arrival of the investigative, custodial and reporting services, there is going to be a "confrontation".
That is the problem. Never do the bad people in this world die. Its always the good ones.

Scum sucking wastes of oxygen, with an IQ of 12, live through anything. They are like cockroaches :barf: